Bridge construction companies in Kenya

We found 6 businesses in Kenya which have bridge construction listed among their services. Please read through the company profiles below to find more information about the best Kenyan bridge construction companies. Do you buy or sell bridge construction in Kenya? If so please consider listing your business.

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6 companies have Bridge Construction listed in their profile.

Shipping & Logistics   Mombasa
Northern taaj logistics limited is one of the leading freight forwarding, project logistics and construction companies delivering cost-effective solutions..
Cleaning Materials, Freight Forwarding, Industrial Design, Shipping, Tailoring
Shipping & Logistics   Mombasa
Our unique combination of experience, service and technology allows us to provide logistics services that offer a high degree of reliability while remaining..
Building Contractors, Power Protection Equipment, Road Maintenance, Translation, Wood
ConstrctOn Limited
Construction   Nairobi
Call / whatsapp (254) 710-262-077 / (254) 733-100-100 to explore & experience the best construction styles, latest architectural designs & interior..
Building Contractors, Interior Design, Project Management, Road Construction, Structural Engineering
Davalyn Ventures Limited
Construction   Nairobi
Plumbing Materials, Road Construction, Road Maintenance, Road Works, Water Works
Chikhabe Business Enterprises Ltd
Construction   Bungoma, Kenya
We deal with construction both civil and building thus water, housing and roads. We also deal with supplies of building materials and general supplies.
Bridge Construction, Building Materials, Construction Materials, General Supplies, Housing
Josil Contractors Limited
Construction   Kakamega, Kenya
Architectural Design, Civil Works, Commercial Buildings, Education, Plumbing Materials

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