Bitumen companies in Uganda

We found 9 businesses in Uganda which have bitumen listed among their services. Please read through the company profiles below to find more information about the best Ugandan bitumen companies. Do you buy or sell bitumen in Uganda? If so please consider listing your business.

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9 companies have Bitumen listed in their profile.

SMB Infratech LLP
Construction   Kampala
We provide various types of bitumen directly from iran refineries at your door step ex-mombasa / ex-kampala in 20” feet containers : bitumen emulsion..
Asphalt, Bitumen, Road Construction, Road Maintenance, Road Works
Capital Base Limited
Construction   Kampala
Consultant engineers, renewable energy, water engineers , remote camps construction maintenance and support, waste water treatment plants consultants (stp),..
Boats, Borehole Rehabilitation, Compressors, Energy Audits, Gravel
Attrax Contractors
Services   Kampala
Attrax contractors and suppliers limited is a civil engineering and construction works-oriented company that was formed in 2000.
Bitumen, Culverts Installation, Firewood, Road Construction, Timber
Parallel Skies Limited.
Supplies   Kampala
Parallel skies limited fully incorporated in uganda, sources and procures commodity consignments from manufacturering plants/refineries to end processing..
ABS, Iron, Posho, Rails, Sesame
Attrax contractors and suppliers limited
Services   Kampala
At attrax we are dependable, reliable, affordable. 18yrs of proffesional expertise in road contruction, paving, painting, land scaping etc.
Bitumen, Gravel, Painting, Road Construction, Road Works
Cobolt Builders and Engineers Ltd
Construction   Kampala
Good day, we are “cobolt builders and engineers ltd”, a registered construction company in uganda as an extension to our construction business in egypt..
Asphalt, Bitumen, Disposal Activities, Hydropower, Renewable Energy
Alternate Supplies Limited
Supplies   Kampala
Bitumen, Computer Maintenance, Office Supplies, Refrigerators, Switches
Kingstar Construction Limited
Construction   Hoima, Uganda
Building and construction materials bitumen for road works mc 30 road works all asphalt products electrical, plumbing and other construction installation..
Bitumen, Bridge Construction, Carpentry, Construction Materials, Road Works
Dynaco Limited
Construction   Kampala
Building and construction materials bitumen supply, bridge bearings, form work-doka electrical, plumbing and other construction installation activities civil..
Bitumen, Bridge Construction, Carpentry, Construction Materials, Water Engineering

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