Business intelligence companies in Uganda

We found 5 businesses in Uganda which have business intelligence listed among their services. Please read through the company profiles below to find more information about the best Ugandan business intelligence companies. Do you buy or sell business intelligence in Uganda? If so please consider listing your business.

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5 companies have Business Intelligence listed in their profile.

Kerror Group
Services   Kampala
Kerror group holds subsidiaries of kerror consultant limited (kcl), kerror logistics (kl) and kerror schools (ks).
Business Intelligence, Design Consultation, Geophysical, Inspection, Microfinance
Jentroy (U) Limited
Information Technology   Kampala
A premier ict and software development company in kampala, uganda.   we take pride in providing excellent software products and innovative applications..
App Development, Business Intelligence, IT Consultancy, Outsourcing, Windows
Afrocorp International Limited
Services   Kampala
Business and management consultancy communication and graphical design computer programming and software development data processing and web hosting training..
Business Intelligence, Mining, Policy Development, Project Planning, Warehouses
Pearl Data Firm
Information Technology   Kampala
We are a data-driven solutions agency. We have a range of products and services to elevate your business perspective.
Business Intelligence, Data Analysis, Data Processing, Information Technology, Surveys
Data Care(u) Ltd
Information Technology   Kampala
Data care is an information technology (it) consultancy firm that was established in july 2006 and has automated business processes for public and private..
Business Intelligence, ERP, Fisheries & Fish Farming, IT Consultancy, Quality Assurance

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