Fisheries & fish farming companies in Uganda

We found 7 businesses in Uganda which have fisheries & fish farming listed among their services. Please read through the company profiles below to find more information about the best Ugandan fisheries & fish farming companies. Do you buy or sell fisheries & fish farming in Uganda? If so please consider listing your business.

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7 companies have Fisheries & Fish Farming listed in their profile.

Agriculture & Natural Resources   Kampala
Wemigisha enterprises aims to offer solutions to help agriculturalists to meet the required standards through supporting the value chain starting with..
Agricultural Produce, Cassava, Groundnuts (Peanuts), Oilseeds, Soya (Soybeans)
Blare Systems (U) LTD
Agriculture & Natural Resources   Kampala
Aquaculture, cage fish farming, pond fish farms. Tilapia.   hatchery. Fingerlings. Fry.   consulting, fish farming,  .
Farming, Fish, Fisheries & Fish Farming, Natural Resources, Scientific Research
Blare Systems (U) Limited
Supplies   Kira, Uganda
Aquaculture, cage fish farming, pond fish farms. Tilapia.   hatchery. Fingerlings. Fry.   consulting, fish farming,  .
Farming, Fisheries & Fish Farming, General Supplies, Management Consultancy, Scientific Research
Toro Feeds
Manufacturing   Fortportal, Uganda
Fisheries & Fish Farming, Flour, Grains, Maize Flour, Posho
Kyakuwaire Business Enterprises Limited
Supplies   Iganga, Uganda
Agricultural tools office equipment, stationary and consumables agricultural supplies food supplies cage fish farming works  supply of construction and..
Agricultural Supplies, Fish, Fisheries & Fish Farming, Gravel, Produce Buying
Accurate Weighing Scales Uganda Limited
Manufacturing   Kampala
Accurate weighing scales can supply and service mechanical and digital scales to fit any weighing application including custom digital scale applications of..
Fisheries & Fish Farming, Meters, Scales, Trolleys, Weighing Scales
Data Care(u) Ltd
Information Technology   Kampala
Data care is an information technology (it) consultancy firm that was established in july 2006 and has automated business processes for public and private..
Business Intelligence, ERP, Fisheries & Fish Farming, IT Consultancy, Quality Assurance

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Posho   (5)
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Wheat   (4)

Agriculture & Natural Resources tags in Uganda

Agriculture   (153)
Animals   (55)
Beans   (23)
Beverages   (76)
Biotech   (1)
Bitumen   (3)
Cassava   (6)
Cereals   (5)
Dairy   (5)
Energy   (35)
Farming   (38)
Feeds   (52)
Fertilizer   (9)
Firewood   (34)
Fish   (4)
Fisheries & Fish Farming   (6)
Flour   (7)
Food   (112)
Forestry   (10)
Grains   (11)
Honey   (8)
Juice   (2)
Livestock   (5)
Maize   (20)
Maize Flour   (11)
Meat   (15)
Milling   (4)
Oil   (28)
Petroleum   (31)
Posho   (5)
Rice   (20)
Seedlings   (14)
Seeds   (18)
Timber   (41)
Tomatoes   (2)
Wildlife   (15)

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