Ibm companies in Uganda

We found 8 businesses in Uganda which have ibm listed among their services. Please read through the company profiles below to find more information about the best Ugandan ibm companies. Do you buy or sell ibm in Uganda? If so please consider listing your business.

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8 companies have IBM listed in their profile.

iBM KAsthew deep Foundation Piling Company Uganda
Construction   Kampala
Piling whether it is foundation for a shopping mall complex, a high rise building or a bridge we have in-house expertise, equipment and technologies needed..
Commercial Buildings, Housing, IBM, Rentals, Sewage
IBM Building & Construction Material Supply Company Uganda
Construction   Kampala
Ibm building & construction material supply company uganda is a leading supplier of aggregate stones, hardcore stones, cement, lake-sand, timber &..
Drainage, IBM, Parking, Quarries, Stone Dust
iBM Geotechnical & Soil Lab Test Company
Construction   Kampala
Ibm geotech company uganda ltd (east africa) ibm geotech & soil laboratory testing company uganda ltd (east africa) is a private company offering..
Dams, Geological Services, Geophysical, Quarries, Soil Testing
Shipping & Logistics   Kampala
Ibm cargo transport & freight logistics company uganda-kampala (east africa), www. Ibmlogistics.
Customs Clearance, Freight Forwarding, IBM, Merchandise, Warehouses
IBM Cement Building Material Suppliers Uganda
Construction   Kampala
Ibm building & construction material supply company uganda is a leading supplier of aggregate stones, hardcore stones, cement, lake-sand, timber &..
Drainage, IBM, Parking, Quarries, Stone Dust
iBM Ready-Mix Concrete Company Ltd
Construction   Kampala
Ibm ready-mix concrete company uganda-kampala ltd ibm ready-mix concrete co. Ltd uganda is a trusted supplier of quality ready mix concrete / premix-concrete..
Cement, Concrete, Contractors, IBM, Water Pumps
Construction   Kampala
Top steel & metal fabrication company in uganda. Tel: +256781580278,     email: info@ibmsteelmetal.
IBM, Metal Fabrication, Steel Fabrication, Tanks, Welding
Kasthew Drilling
Supplies   Kampala
Ibm drilling bentonite /polymer fruid & powder suppliers - uganda kampala (east africa) - we supply drilling polymer & bentonite powder &..
Borehole Drilling, Boreholes, Drilling, IBM, Supplies

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