21 companies have Irrigation Systems listed in their profile.
Agriculture & Natural Resources Kampala
Wemigisha enterprises aims to offer solutions to help agriculturalists to meet the required standards through supporting the value chain starting with..
Agricultural Produce, Cassava, Groundnuts (Peanuts), Oilseeds, Soya (Soybeans)
Vida Verde Ltd
Agriculture & Natural Resources Kampala
Vida verde ltd assists farmers with the following services: 1. agriculture technical support a.
Assessments, Cartography & Maps, Irrigation Systems, Risk Management, Soil Testing
Grow More Seeds And Chemicals Limited
Agriculture & Natural Resources Kampala
Agricultural seeds we are a seed company registered with usta (uganda seed traders association), we deal in seeds for both vegetables and field crops.
Agrochemicals, Drip Irrigation, Fertilizer, Peas (Cowpeas), Vegetables
Techford Contractors & Suppliers
Construction Wakiso, Uganda
General supplies pipes, pipe fittings, tanks, water tanks, construction materials, water supply, water pumps, irrigation systems, civil works, architectural..
Pipes, Product Design, Tanks, Water Supply, Water Tanks
Agriculture & Natural Resources Kampala
Irrigation consultancy farming consultancy urban planning and landscaping construction of water projects construction of greenhouse construction of..
Harvesting, Irrigation Systems, Tanks, Urban Planning / Urban Development, Water Pumps
Vatten Pro Ltd
Agriculture & Natural Resources Lugaz, Uganda
We are the leading global design & consultancy firm for natural and built assets. Applying our deep market sector insights and collective design,..
Cartography & Maps, GIS, Hydrogeological, Hydropower, Water Treatment
Agriculture & Natural Resources Kampala
Famunera is a web and mobile agribusiness e-commerce marketplace that links farmers to agricultural inputs, support service providers and buyers of farm..
Animal Feeds, e-Commerce, Fertilizer, Soil Testing, Tractors
OZARKS Engineering Limited
Construction Kampala
Ozarks engineering limited, is a registered company no. 80020002711845. This company deals in general construction services, consultancy services, solar..
Boreholes, Building Materials, Irrigation Systems, Rehabilitation, Water Works
Adritex (u) Limited
Construction Kampala
Agricultural tools animals, poultry and feeds building and construction materials chemicals and chemical products plumbing materials protective wear security..
Chemical Products, Irrigation Systems, Plumbing Materials, Protective Wear, Security Equipment
iBM KAsthew deep Foundation Piling Company Uganda
Construction Kampala
Piling whether it is foundation for a shopping mall complex, a high rise building or a bridge we have in-house expertise, equipment and technologies needed..
Commercial Buildings, Housing, IBM, Rentals, Sewage
Cobolt Builders and Engineers Ltd
Construction Kampala
Good day, we are “cobolt builders and engineers ltd”, a registered construction company in uganda as an extension to our construction business in egypt..
Asphalt, Bitumen, Disposal Activities, Hydropower, Renewable Energy
Sprinktech Limited
Agriculture & Natural Resources Kampala
Sprinktech limited is the leading provider of water and energy solutions across agricultural, residential, and industrial sectors in uganda.
Boreholes, Energy, Irrigation Systems, Solar Systems, Water Pumps
Water & Pumps International Limited
Agriculture & Natural Resources Kampala
Water pumping solutions, solar equipment boreholes, irrigation systems, generators and plumbing materials.
Boreholes, Irrigation Systems, Plumbing Materials, Solar Equipment, Water Pumps
Doshnut (u) Ltd
Services Kampala
· research and development (r&d) · institutional resource..
Baseline Surveys, Beekeeping & Hives, Coffee, Forestry, Mobilization
Davis & Shirtliff International Limited
Construction Kampala
The davis & shirtliff group is the leading supplier of water related equipment in the east african region.
Fleet Management, Swimming Pools, Trucks, Water Supply, Water Treatment
Hydro Concepts (U) Ltd
Agriculture & Natural Resources Kampala
Hydro concepts (u) ltd is a dependable company implementing informed and informing decisions in majority water, sanitation and environmental disciplines our..
Drainage, Harvesting, Health Safety, Water Sanitation, Water Treatment
Karf Aqua Engineering Solutions Limited
Agriculture & Natural Resources Kampala
Karf aqua engineering has been in market since 2017, and has made a reputable name in water supply systems, irrigation, solar systems, generators, water..
NGOs, Sewage, Waste Management, Water Supply, Water Treatment
Construction Kampala
Construction plumbing borehole surveys borehole drilling irrigation solar water supply systems drainage works.
Borehole Drilling, Boreholes, Drainage, Drilling, Water Supply
Sml Allied Solutions Ltd
Construction Kampala
Irrigation, water treatment and filtration, water harvesting and storage construction of water projects.
Filtration, Harvesting, Irrigation Systems, Storage, Water Treatment
Agriculture & Natural Resources Kampala
Grains, Milling, Peas (Cowpeas), Posho, Tractors
Hycon Ltd.
Services Kampala
Civil engineering consultancy services water supply and sanitation services designing engineering works: hydraulic structures, irrigation &..
Dams, Drainage, Renewable Energy, Sewage, Water Supply