Leather companies in Uganda

We found 14 businesses in Uganda which have leather listed among their services. Please read through the company profiles below to find more information about the best Ugandan leather companies. Do you buy or sell leather in Uganda? If so please consider listing your business.

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14 companies have Leather listed in their profile.

Services   Kampala
These are the categories of supplies and services that we offer; - printing and branding of promotional items e.
Annual Reports, Boards, Diaries, Pens & Pencils, PVC
Caliber Supplies(u) Limited
Media & Publishing   Kampala
Educational and reading materials food, beverages and related products gifts and crafts leather and related products office equipment, stationary and..
Crafts, Journals, Leather, Newspapers, Periodicals
ZULUCorp (U) Ltd
Supplies   Kampala
Gifts and crafts leather and related products office equipment, stationary and consumables textiles and textile products advertising and market research..
Billboards, Merchandise, Pens & Pencils, Shirts, Uniforms
Saffron East Africa Ltd
Media & Publishing   Kampala
Food, beverages and related products gifts and crafts leather and related products office equipment, stationary and consumables paper, paper products and..
Crafts, Journals, Leather, Newspapers, Periodicals
Reikanco Enterprises
Supplies   Kampala
Building and construction materials gifts and crafts leather and related products office equipment, stationary and consumables office furniture and..
Batteries, Crafts, Leather, Security Equipment, Tubes
Shamsa Enterprises Ltd
Supplies   Kampala
Consumer electronics, communication equipment, computers, computer software and consumables and optical products educational and reading materials food,..
Crafts, Education, Leather, Paper Products, Reading Materials
Visible Investments Ltd
Supplies   Kampala
Our services visible investments ltd provides a range of products and services designed to promote both corporate and public institutions through a wealth of..
Caps, Fax Machines, Pens & Pencils, PVC, Shirts
Crest Dairies
Agriculture & Natural Resources   Mbarara, Uganda
Animals, poultry and feeds gifts and crafts leather and related products office equipment, stationary and consumables office furniture and furnishings paper,..
Crafts, Dairy, Firewood, Interior Design, Leather
Chatha Investments (u) Limited
Engines & Vehicles   Kampala
Leather and related products motor vehicles, motorcycles, bicycles and spare parts office equipment, stationary and consumables office furniture and..
Bicycles, Car Rentals / Vehicle Hire, Firewood, Leather, Timber
Mem-raud Company Ltd
Supplies   Kampala
Branding graphics designing printing glass and glass products leather and related products office equipment, stationary and consumables office furniture and..
Branding, Glass Products, Graphic Design, Leather, Textiles
Koloin Investments Limited
Shipping & Logistics   Mbale, Uganda
Agricultural tools animals, poultry and feeds building and construction materials chemicals and chemical products consumer electronics, communication..
Courier Services, Crafts, Glass Products, Marine, Urban Planning / Urban Development
Zopah Uganda Limited
Manufacturing   Kampala
Digital signage, branding, stamps, trophee plaques, leather products, steel fabrication. .
Fabrication, Leather, Signs & Signage, Steel, Steel Fabrication
Sevenhill Trade Limited
Manufacturing   Kampala
Leather, Textiles
Ukata General Agencies
Health & Medicine   Kampala
Leather and related products protective wear ukata.
Leather, Protective Wear, Supplies

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Supplies tags in Uganda

Boxes   (3)
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Cisco   (7)
Computers   (200)
Concrete   (20)
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Elevators   (3)
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Furniture   (126)
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Kitchen   (17)
Masks   (1)
Materials   (200)
Merchandise   (16)
Paint   (5)
Pipes   (4)
Powerlines   (12)
Radio   (9)
Servers   (20)
Shoes   (4)
Stationery   (200)
Stone Dust   (2)
Supplies   (200)
Switchgear   (2)
Uniforms   (19)
Water Pumps   (30)
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