Remote sensing companies in Uganda

We found 4 businesses in Uganda which have remote sensing listed among their services. Please read through the company profiles below to find more information about the best Ugandan remote sensing companies. Do you buy or sell remote sensing in Uganda? If so please consider listing your business.

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4 companies have Remote Sensing listed in their profile.

High and low technologies Uganda limited
Information Technology   Kampala
High and low technologies uganda limited your one stop home security equipment and telematics/vehicle gps tracking systems provider in uganda.
Attendance Systems, Biometrics, Remote Sensing, Solar Batteries, Vehicle Repair
Orbimaps Limited
Services   Kampala
Orbimaps ltd specializes in providing professional geographic information systems and geo-database development, remote sensing, land surveying, digital..
Cartography & Maps, Databases, GIS, Land Acquisition, Urban Planning / Urban Development
Vifaru Geospatial and Pipeline Services
Information Technology   Kampala
We provide software, hardware, solutions, consulting and support services across the eastern africa region in the following business lines: gis, gps, mapping..
Cartography & Maps, GIS, GPS, Maintenance Services, Remote Sensing
Ramani Geosystems Ltd
Construction   Kampala
Land survey, gis and mapping and remote sensing.
Cartography & Maps, GIS, Remote Sensing, Surveying, Surveys

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GIS   (12)
GPS   (11)
Surveying   (50)
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Accounting   (27)
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Auditors   (44)
Banking   (24)
BPO   (3)
Consulting   (200)
Contractors   (55)
Gardening   (14)
Inspection   (6)
Insurance   (23)
Investments   (114)
Landscaping   (83)
Marketing   (51)
Outsourcing   (15)
Pest Control   (22)
Procurement   (38)
Solar Energy   (10)
Surveying   (50)
Taxes   (29)
Valuation   (25)

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