Road maintenance companies in Uganda

We found 10 businesses in Uganda which have road maintenance listed among their services. Please read through the company profiles below to find more information about the best Ugandan road maintenance companies. Do you buy or sell road maintenance in Uganda? If so please consider listing your business.

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10 companies have Road Maintenance listed in their profile.

Kerror Group
Services   Kampala
Kerror group holds subsidiaries of kerror consultant limited (kcl), kerror logistics (kl) and kerror schools (ks).
Business Intelligence, Design Consultation, Geophysical, Inspection, Microfinance
Capital Base Limited
Construction   Kampala
Consultant engineers, renewable energy, water engineers , remote camps construction maintenance and support, waste water treatment plants consultants (stp),..
Boats, Borehole Rehabilitation, Compressors, Energy Audits, Gravel
SMB Infratech LLP
Construction   Kampala
We provide various types of bitumen directly from iran refineries at your door step ex-mombasa / ex-kampala in 20” feet containers : bitumen emulsion..
Asphalt, Bitumen, Road Construction, Road Maintenance, Road Works
Crystal Aluminium Ltd
Construction   Kampala
Crystal aluminium (u) limited, we are one of the leading suppliers and also provide fabrication services for  office furniture,   aluminium..
Adhesives, Auctions, Cladding, Computer Hardware, Helmets
Greorene Technical Services Limited
Construction   Kampala
We greorene technical services ltd are a company incorporated in 2021. With those few years, our achievements are quit remarkable  with a well vast..
Generator Servicing, Road Maintenance, Road Works, Steel Fabrication, Welding
BMC Capital Limited
Construction   Kampala
Electrical, plumbing and other construction installation activities civil engineering construction of buildings & carpentry construction of roads and..
Airports, Bridge Construction, Parking, Road Construction, Road Maintenance
Reincon Engineers (U) Ltd
Construction   Kampala
We are a construction company based in uganda. We do architectural design services, civil works, electrical engineering, building, road construction,..
Borehole Rehabilitation, Electrical Appliances, Elevators, Lift Installation, Pipe Fittings
Level 5 Associates Limited
Services   Kampala
Business and management consultancy infrastructure management services garbage collection maintenance of roads urban planning and landscaping urban planning..
Garbage Collection, Infrastructure, Management Services, Road Maintenance, Urban Planning / Urban Development
Lira Municipal Market Vendors Co-operative Savings And Credit Society Limited
Services   Lira, Uganda
Car wash cleaning and compound maintenance garbage collection maintenance of roads revenue collection a determined organization in provision of quality..
Car Washing, Cooperatives, Credit, Garbage Collection, Road Maintenance
Supplies   Mpigi Town, Uganda
1. General supplies i. Livestock e. G. Goats, cattle etc ii. Computer & computer accessories iii.
Climate Change, Cows & Beef, Resettlement, Road Maintenance, Sorghum

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Hydropower   (13)
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Road Works   (7)
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Sewage   (6)
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