Solar batteries companies in Uganda

We found 10 businesses in Uganda which have solar batteries listed among their services. Please read through the company profiles below to find more information about the best Ugandan solar batteries companies. Do you buy or sell solar batteries in Uganda? If so please consider listing your business.

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10 companies have Solar Batteries listed in their profile.

Capital Base Limited
Construction   Kampala
Consultant engineers, renewable energy, water engineers , remote camps construction maintenance and support, waste water treatment plants consultants (stp),..
Boats, Borehole Rehabilitation, Compressors, Energy Audits, Gravel
New Sun Solar Systems Ltd
Supplies   Kampala
Suppliers of:    - stand alone solar photovoltaic systems.    - hybrid systems.
Inverters, Refrigerators, Solar Batteries, Solar Panels, Water Pumps
High and low technologies Uganda ltd
Information Technology   Kampala
Your one stop home security equipment and telematics/vehicle gps tracking systems provideer in uganda.
Attendance Systems, Biometrics, Rentals, Solar Batteries, Vehicle Repair
Kyebando Power Line Construction Company
Services   Kampala
Kyebando power line construction +256784313767 has developed into the leading company in electrical installation and distribution operating within kampala..
Electrical Appliances, Electrical Repair, Generator Servicing, Solar Batteries, Water Heaters
Voltage Electrical Engineering Company
Services   Kampala
Weighcom electrical services offers an array of electrical services, some of which have included power line construction, electric power distribution,..
Electrical Repair, Generator Servicing, Gypsum, Power Protection Equipment, Solar Batteries
Weighcom Electrical Services Kampala
Services   Kampala
We are a commercial electrical contracting company that has been offering electrical wiring services in kampala uganda since 2012.
Electrical Appliances, Electrical Repair, Generator Servicing, Power Protection Equipment, Solar Batteries
Uganda Batteries Limited
Supplies   Kampala
We specialize in motor vehicle batteries & solar batteries. Automotive batteries we offer lead acid automotive batteries in a wide range of varying..
Batteries, Motor Vehicles, Solar Batteries, Solar Systems, Supplies
Certified Kamyufu Electrical Installation
Services   Kampala
A fundamental principle of our company is a total commitment to quality electrical installation in uganda.
Apartments, Diesel, Engines, Solar Batteries, Solar Energy
Solar Systems Uganda
Services   Kampala
It is possible to reduce electric power use and the associated costs, by switching to a solar system installation at your premises in uganda.
Apartments, Electrical Repair, Housing, Solar Batteries, Solar Energy
Services   Kampala
Engiserve is a limited liability company registered in uganda that offers engineering, energy, air conditioning and ventilation, power quality and power..
Backup Systems, Generator Servicing, Solar Batteries, Stabilizers, Ventilation

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