Water sanitation companies in Uganda

We found 6 businesses in Uganda which have water sanitation listed among their services. Please read through the company profiles below to find more information about the best Ugandan water sanitation companies. Do you buy or sell water sanitation in Uganda? If so please consider listing your business.

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6 companies have Water Sanitation listed in their profile.

Capital Base Limited
Construction   Kampala
Consultant engineers, renewable energy, water engineers , remote camps construction maintenance and support, waste water treatment plants consultants (stp),..
Boats, Borehole Rehabilitation, Compressors, Energy Audits, Gravel
Hydro Concepts (U) Ltd
Agriculture & Natural Resources   Kampala
Hydro concepts (u) ltd is a dependable company implementing informed and informing decisions in majority water, sanitation and environmental disciplines our..
Drainage, Harvesting, Health Safety, Water Sanitation, Water Treatment
Skylim Architects and Engineering Company Limited
Construction   Kumi Municipal Council, Uganda
Building construction. Civil engineering works architectural/structural design. Preparation of bills of quantities and technical specifications.
Building Contractors, Building Design, Management Services, Water Sanitation, Water Supply
Septic Emptiers Limited
Services   Kampala
Please call (256) 777-911-294 / (256) 709-113-221 for your septic emptying services. .
Hazardous Waste, Public Health, Sewage, Toilets, Water Sanitation
Hydrotech Engineering Group Africa limited (Member of hydrotech engineering group Africa
Construction   Uganda
Agricultural tools building and construction materials generators and solar equipment motor vehicles, motorcycles, bicycles and spare parts petroleum..
Refrigerators, Structural Engineering, Tanks, Water Sanitation, X-ray
Ecosan Club(esc) Consulting U Ltd
Construction   Kampala
Consulting engineering services within civil, mechanical, electrical and water engineering electrical, plumbing and other construction installation..
Bridge Construction, Engineering Services, Sanitation, Water Engineering, Water Sanitation

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Granite   (3)
Highways   (5)
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Mining   (14)
Plumbing   (200)
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Sanitation   (18)
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