Company Profile
BIORWA Limited is founded in 2019.
BIORWA Ltd supplies all kind of shelter materials & construction
materials especially from the locally made materials.
The head office is based at Muhanga district of Rwanda and located
in Shyogwe sector of Muhanga district.
Working hours are 9.00 – 18.00 from Monday to Thursday and 9.00 -16.00 on Friday.
Strengths of BIORWA Ltd
ProductsWe are a family owned company.
First generation is running the business,
this makes us young, high energized and professional.
Global thinking with an amateur spiritual
We are absolutely customer oriented with having long-term relationships with customers.
Serving them only in their interests is
accepted as the corporate culture in our initiatives.
The management team and also the employees
are experienced in their area.
We have a partnership with the Integrated Craft
Production Center of Nyamagabe (ICPC Nyamagabe) to produce the wooden materials,
over there, there is all facilities required to get a well dried wooden
materials as wished by the esteemed customers.
Wooden cupboards,
Wooden sofa,
Wooden tables,
Wooden windows,
Wooden doors,
Timber beams,
Timber purlin,
Locally available raw construction materials
like sands, stones, top soil, ....
Other hardware materials,
Common services related to construction
UNHCR - Rwanda
SOS Village - Rwanda – Gikongoro Village
Sawmill East Africa Limited (SEAL) - Rwanda
To contact BIORWA Ltd please click below.

Tagged: Construction Construction Materials Cupboards Doors General Supplies Hardware Materials Office Equipment Sofas Stationery Supplies Tables Timber Windows