- Investment and Finance
- Private Sector Development
- Business Development Services and Business diagnostics
- Corporate Governance
- Financial Sector Deepening
- Digital Financial Services
- Access to Finance
- Training and Capacity Building
- SME Growth and Development
- Market Development and Linkages
- Research, Baselines, Surveys, and Feasibility Studies
- Financial and Business Modelling
- Fund and Resource Mobilization
- NGO, CBOs and Civil Society Development
- A comprehensive methodology, which covers all dimensions of Business Development, Investment Growth and Development, Private Sector Development, Zonal Business parks and hubs development, Training and Capacity Building, support towards Registration, Financial Management, Corporate Governance and management, Taxation, Policy and Regulatory understanding support, Remote Industrial parks establishment and set up, Digital Financial Services (DFS) projects and integrates Market Development, Linkages, Access to finance and financial inclusion goals.
- A Private Sector Approach: We have adopted a private sector and markets development approach towards supporting Business growth and development and investment for companies along multiple value chains; these include sectors amongst others Agribusiness, Tourism, ICT and Development, Telecoms, Digital Finance, Agency Banking, Manufacturing and Packaging amongst others.
- Complete support from the design, strategy to the implementation and development phases;
- Multi-sector knowledge (NGOs, Agribusiness, ICT and Development, Tourism, Microfinance, banking, Skills development, Investment and Finance, Oil and Gas, Vocational Skills Development, Export Promotion zones, Satellite and remote business parks, remittances, payments, telecoms);
- Multi-competence teams (Corporate Governance, Enterprise Development, Institutional and Organizational Development, Fund and Resource Mobilization, Capacity Building and Training, Private Sector, Business Development, Management, Financial Management, legal, technical, marketing, distribution, human resources, financial).
To contact Development Associates Link International (DALI) please click below.

Plot: 43 Balintuma Road
Floor/Suite: 3rd Floor
Tagged: Accounting Advisory Services Agricultural Inputs Agricultural Tools Agriculture Asset Management Banking Business Management Capacity Building Civil Engineering Coaching Computer Programming Consultancy Services Consulting Education Employment Placement Environmental Science Exports Farming Feasibility Studies Finance Financial Management Governance Health Safety Healthcare Human Resources ICT Impact Assessments Investments Legal Services Logistics Management Consultancy Manufacturing Market Research Marketing Microfinance Mobilization Monitoring & Evaluation NGOs Oil Oil & Gas Organisational Development Packaging Materials Procurement Quality Assurance Real Estate Resource Management Scientific Research Software Development Solar Equipment Surveys Telecommunications Tourism Travel Urban Planning / Urban Development Vocational Skills
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