Faultfree Uganda

Restaurants & Travel

Entebbe, Uganda

Faultfree Uganda is a one major company dealing with two basic objectives GENERAL ENGINEERING AND SAFARIS,It has been in existence since  2015,since that time the company has gained crucial experience in the engineering and tourism industry.

we handle works like civil,electrical, biomedical, plumbing, carpentry, roofing, supplies and deliveries of building products.
we have great experience in the tour and safari field tourism industry at large,we offer almost all services in the industry is 
*Tour packages to all tourism parks
*Car hire both on self drive n chauffeur
*Airport transfers
*Baggage storing
*Cargo transfers n logistics
*Clearing and forwarding.
We are proud to take u the extra mile.
Book with us at www.faultfree.co.ug

To contact Faultfree Uganda please click below.

Restaurants & Travel
Registration Date:
Sep 8, 2017
Plot 109 kiwafu road entebbe
Plot: Plot 109
Floor/Suite: Faultfree Safari Motel
Wakiso District
Last Updated:
7 months ago

Tagged: Accommodation Airports Car Rentals / Vehicle Hire Carpentry Cars Chauffeurs Civil Engineering Electrical Engineering Logistics Plumbing Restaurants Roofing Safaris Supplies Tourism Travel

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