General petroleum is a well known oil and lubricants wholesale company around the world, General petroleum Uganda has its factory space location in banda, opposite shell. We have all types of lubricants both synthetic and natural oil, we are a very credible company working with world competing companies like Mercedes Benz, KIA , MAN, we have products including, 1.HEAVY ENGINE OIL like; Gp deogen diesel engine oil 15W40 (20 & 208 liters), Gp deogen diesel oilsae-40 (5litres *6),
Super plus diesel engine oil 15W40,
2.GP PETROGEN PETROL ENGINE OIL like Gp petrogen petrol engine oil sae-40, Gp petrogen petrol engine oil sae-5W30, Gp bygen motercycle oil 140/150/220/320.
3. GP INDUSTRIAL GEAR OIL CC-90/140/150/220/320 like;
Gp syncrogen gear oil, Gp industrial gear oil 150/220/320 etc
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