Retka Limited


Kampala, Uganda

Consumer electronics, communication equipment, computers, computer software and consumables and optical products
Drugs, laboratory, hospital equipment, pharmaceutical products and pharmaceutical preparations
Food, beverages and related products
Gifts and crafts
Motor vehicles, motorcycles, bicycles and spare parts
Office equipment, stationary and consumables
Security equipment
Textiles and textile products
Accommodation and conference facilities
Advertising and market research
Advertising and media services
Air Ticketing, Tours and Travel
Employment placement/ recruitment
Industrial and institutional laundry services
Interior design
Transportation (short and long haulage)
Civil engineering
Construction of buildings & carpentry
Construction of roads and bridges
Construction of water projects

To contact Retka Limited please click below.

General Supplies And Civil Works.
Registration Date:
Nov 16, 2015
Last Updated:
4 years ago

Tagged: Accommodation Advertising Air Ticketing Beverages Bicycles Bridge Construction Carpentry Civil Engineering Civil Works Communication Equipment Computer Software Computers Conference Facilities Conferences Construction Consumables Consumer Electronics Crafts Drugs Electrical Engineering Electronics Employment Placement Entertainment Food General Supplies Haulage Hospital Equipment Hospitals Interior Design Laboratories Laundry Services Long Haulage Market Research Media Services Motor Vehicles Motorcycles Office Equipment Pharmaceuticals Recruitment Security Equipment Security Services Software Spare Parts Stationery Supplies Textiles Tickets & Ticketing Tourism Travel Water Engineering

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