Steun Solution


Kampala, Uganda

Steun (U) limited is a proud distributor of a wide range of solar Products in East Africa. The company was started in 2016 and with a mission to bring high quality solar products to both rural and urban populations to improve family economy, education, health, and safety. It has created teams of operation in and South Sudan and Uganda and looking forward to works with partners to reach people in the region with smart, simple, and sustainable power solutions.More than 15 years’ experience in research, consultancy, and activism to promote development in Africa. The company is thus based on in-depth knowledge about life, livelihoods, and aspirations in East Africa as well as on high competence in business operation.Supporting farmers as well and Supplies 

Business model

Our business model is premised on working with women, men and youth in organized groups like Village Saving and Loan Associations (VSLA); and, other Saving and Credit institutions which can lend money at affordable rate to the them start, build and grow a clean energy business and other Supply, We advocate for the deliberate inclusion of women and vulnerable groups including child headed households to become economically empowered through operating a clean energy business. The women, men and youth then become last mile distributors of clean energy among their communities while improving on their socio-economic status.

This will leveraging the broad social connections of rural community, even the most remote and hard to reach families will have access to sustainable energy to power their lives. Benefits of clean energy technology in the last mile include improved health from cleaner air and; improved education for children who can reliably study at night; improved businesses from being able to work into the evenings; improved safety without fire-hazards and from having well-lit homes

Others Services:

We offer at Professional way 

  • Clearing & Logistics ( Transportations 
  • Supply Milk , Hibiscus powder , and cereals seeds and Honey 
  • Property Management 
  • Construction & Engineering 
  • Solar Equipment system 
  • Supply of Computer Equipments 
  • Fabrication and Designing ( Aluminium ) 
Country Manager  : +256707477898 

To contact Steun Solution please click below.

Registration Date:
Feb 20, 2017
Muyenga Tankhill
Plot: Plot 302
Last Updated:
3 years ago

Tagged: Cereals Computers Consultancy Services General Supplies Health Safety Honey Logistics Milk Safety Wear Seeds Solar Equipment Solar Systems Supplies

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