Vida Verde Ltd

Agriculture & Natural Resources

Kampala, Uganda

Vida Verde Ltd assists farmers with the following services: 

1.     Agriculture Technical Support
a. Agri-business rescue and solutions, agriculture advisory services & support
b. Irrigation systems design, installations and repairs. 
c. Soil testing services 
d. Export farmer assurance support and accreditation support
e. Agric. technology development, software, mechanization and systems development

2. Farm management services
a. Farm mapping, land use plans development and enterprise alignment to site & markets
b. Farm evaluations 
i. Pre-investment inspections, 
ii. Risk management inspections and advisory services, 
iii. Due diligence, 
iv. Business plan development, 
v. Performance measurement and value chain assessments

3. Commercial agriculture internship for employment or work readiness

4. Human resources placements 
a. Internship linkages
b. Agriculture expertise linkages across the agriculture sector

To contact Vida Verde Ltd please click below.

Agriculture & Natural Resources
Registration Date:
Jul 27, 2016
Kisota Road
Plot: 2985
Floor/Suite: Ground
Last Updated:
129 days ago

Tagged: Advisory Services Agricultural Tools Agriculture Alignment Assessments Cartography & Maps Employment Placement Exports Farming Human Resources Investments Irrigation Systems Management Services Natural Resources Risk Management Software Soil Testing

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