Civil engineering companies in Ethiopia

We found 9 businesses in Ethiopia which have civil engineering listed among their services. Please read through the company profiles below to find more information about the best Ethiopian civil engineering companies. Do you buy or sell civil engineering in Ethiopia? If so please consider listing your business.

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9 companies have Civil Engineering listed in their profile.

Sam Engineering consultant and design company
Construction   Dire Dawa, Ethiopia
Overview sam engineering consultant  and design is a somali engineering firm established in 2012 e.
Apartments, Commercial Buildings, GPS, NGOs, Urban Planning / Urban Development
Corner Stone G.C
Construction   Addis Ababa
Introduction     corner sone g. C is formed by mr eneyew segude a seasoned construction professional, with more than 6 years of working experience..
Dams, Drainage, Road Construction, Swimming Pools, Water Supply
Sinopia Import and Export PLC
Supplies   Addis Ababa
Import of: -electric driven and solar driven water pumps -solar modules and related accessories -office solutions such as furniture -construction laboratory..
Building Materials, Coffee, Exports, Laboratory Equipment, Water Works
ATM Designers
Construction   Addis Ababa
Atm designers plc. Is committed to enhancing and protecting the living environments of its clients by fostering informed decision-making through the creative..
Architecture, Civil Engineering, Construction, Consulting, Designers
Tesfaye and Shimelis Metal Work Partnership
Construction   Addis Ababa
Tesfaye and shimelis metal work partnership(tswmp) is a general contractor, organized and registered in 2016 to carry out comprehensive civil engineering..
Aluminum, Fittings, Metals, Metalworks, Road Construction
Zekeycon Enginineering Pvt. Ltd Co.
Construction   Addis Ababa
Asset Management, Asset Valuation, Environmental Management, Powerlines, Project Planning
Mulugeta Ayele General Contractor
Construction   Addis Ababa
Bridge Construction, Civil Engineering, Construction, Construction Materials, Water Engineering
Construction   Addis Ababa
The owner is civil engineer who has 18 years of experience in civil engineering.
Civil Engineering
Palqan Engineering P.L.C.
Supplies   Addis Ababa
   transmission and distribution systems:  transmission systems (substation and tower foundation construction, substation and tower..
Biomass, Escalators, HVAC, Solar Energy, Substations

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