14 companies have Engineering Services listed in their profile.
ADS Valuation Service PLC
Services Addis Ababa
Ads valuation service plc is a company registered and licensed in ethiopia. The founders of the company are qualified professionals and are undertaken..
Advisory Services, Asset Valuation, Business Management, Real Estate, Valuation
Sam Engineering consultant and design company
Construction Dire Dawa, Ethiopia
Overview sam engineering consultant and design is a somali engineering firm established in 2012 e.
Apartments, Commercial Buildings, GPS, NGOs, Urban Planning / Urban Development
Famtech Industrial Services
Services Addis Ababa
Famtech industrial services plc is a legally registered private business entity established in addis ababa, ethiopia.
Compressors, HVAC, Machines, Steel, Tanks
Index Engineering PLC
Supplies Addis Ababa
Index engineering is a full range of efficient electromechanical solution provider and a wide range of high-quality equipment & machinery supplier based..
Compressors, Electrical Appliances, Elevators, Escalators, Lift Installation
Linktech Technology Solution PLC
Information Technology Addis Ababa
Linktech engineering solutions plc, headquartered in addis ababa, is a leading provider of comprehensive engineering services dedicated to meeting the..
Computer Accessories, Computer Maintenance, Designers, IT Consultancy, Tailoring
Image Consultancy Plc
Services Addis Ababa
Category i consulting architects and engineers .
Architectural Design, Architecture, Consultancy Services, Consulting, Engineering Services
Index Engineering Ethiopia
Supplies Addis Ababa
Index engineering plc is a reliable importer, supplier, and installation to maintenance service provider of diverse electromechanical equipment, machinery..
Compressors, Electrical Appliances, Energy Audits, HVAC, ICT Equipment
Saddle Engineering PLC
Supplies Addis Ababa
At saddle engineering plc, we harness our expertise to deliver reliable, innovative technology and engineering solutions to satisfy our clients demands for..
Conductors, Kits, Street Lights, Substations, Switchgear
Leunet ICT Solutions
Information Technology Addis Ababa
Leunet ict solutions was established in october 2009. It is a privately owned limited company engaged in information technology (it) and engineering..
Antivirus, Datacenters, Domain Registration, Public Address Systems, Virtualization
Tesfaye and Shimelis Metal Work Partnership
Construction Addis Ababa
Tesfaye and shimelis metal work partnership(tswmp) is a general contractor, organized and registered in 2016 to carry out comprehensive civil engineering..
Aluminum, Fittings, Metals, Metalworks, Road Construction
Birnad Consult Plc
Construction Addis Ababa
Architectural Design, Consulting, Design Consultation, Engineering Services, Interior Design