9 companies have Security Services listed in their profile.
Diligent Wholesaler and Retailer Plc
Supplies Addis Ababa
Diligent wholesaler and retailer company profile company overview diligent wholesaler & retailer plc is an international software development..
Computer Hardware, e-Commerce, Honey, Quality Assurance, Spices
Discovery Electro-Mechanical Engineering
Manufacturing Addis Ababa
Discovery electro-mechanical engineering was established in 2012 and is located in addis ababa, ethiopia.
Animal Feeds, Drip Irrigation, Gates, Stoves, Water Heaters
All African Entrepreneurs
Information Technology Addis Ababa
Our company is one of the leading suppliers of various products for the ethiopian government, private companies and also companies in other african..
IBM, PVC, Shoes, Street Lights, X-ray
Information Technology Addis Ababa
Avicom trading plc is a leading a private owned company providing innovative systems, products and solutions to government and commercial customers in east..
Information Technology, Manufacturing, Mining, Security Services
Santech Computer Technology Plc
Information Technology Addis Ababa
Santech computer technology is an it solution company that provides both computer products and computer services to small, medium and large enterprise.
Antivirus, Computer Servicing, Firewalls, Network Security, Routers
Palqan Engineering P.L.C.
Supplies Addis Ababa
transmission and distribution systems: transmission systems (substation and tower foundation construction, substation and tower..
Biomass, Escalators, HVAC, Solar Energy, Substations
Lodestar Associates Consult PLC
Services Addis Ababa
Lodestar associates consult plc is a private limited consultancy firm established by vibrant professionals who have long years of experience in development..
Employment Placement, Higher Education, Project Management, Scientific Research, Urban Planning / Urban Development
Saddle Engineering PLC
Supplies Addis Ababa
At saddle engineering plc, we harness our expertise to deliver reliable, innovative technology and engineering solutions to satisfy our clients demands for..
Conductors, Kits, Street Lights, Substations, Switchgear
BeOnline ICT Solutions
Information Technology Addis Ababa
Introduction beonline was founded in 2010 with a mission to provide high caliber it services to local organizations who were either transitioning to the..
Antivirus, Cisco, Datacenters, IBM, Microsoft