Carpentry companies in Kenya

We found 3 businesses in Kenya which have carpentry listed among their services. Please read through the company profiles below to find more information about the best Kenyan carpentry companies. Do you buy or sell carpentry in Kenya? If so please consider listing your business.

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3 companies have Carpentry listed in their profile.

Wooden Nayls Emterprise
Construction   Nairobi
Aluminium fabricator and glass works. Deal with type if wooden and joinery work. Sell safety tools and building material.
Aluminum, Building Materials, Glass Products, Joinery, Plumbing Materials
Davalyn Ventures Limited
Construction   Nairobi
Plumbing Materials, Road Construction, Road Maintenance, Road Works, Water Works
Josil Contractors Limited
Construction   Kakamega, Kenya
Architectural Design, Civil Works, Commercial Buildings, Education, Plumbing Materials

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