Health & medicine companies in Kenya
We found 5 health & medicine companies listed in Kenya. For more information about health & medicine in Kenya please scroll down to check out these business profiles.
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5 companies match your search.
Nairobi Sterling Dental Clinic
Health & Medicine Nairobi
Health & Medicine Nairobi
We are an ultramodern dental clinic with first-class treatment carried out at affordable pocket-friendly prices.
Josmis Suppliers Limited
Health & Medicine Nairobi
Health & Medicine Nairobi
About us josmis suppliers limited produce and pack wetlands springs, it is drawn from a spring at the base of highlands parts of uplands, kiambu.
Weki Laboratory Supplies
Health & Medicine Nairobi
Health & Medicine Nairobi
Our core business functions are to source and supply scientific, medical and environmental laboratory assorted goods.
J.TOUCH Limited
Health & Medicine Nairobi
Health & Medicine Nairobi
Jtouch limited is a company based in nairobi kenya and we are authorized distributors in africa for microgen products which includes d-125 ready to use(rtu)..
Ardent Therapists Nairobi
Health & Medicine Nairobi
Health & Medicine Nairobi
Meet ardent therapists. We offer you the best mental health consultation to help you navigate life issues.
Health & Medicine tags in Kenya
Clinical (1)
Disinfectants (1)
Hospitals (2)
Laboratories (1)
Medical Services (2)
Pharmaceuticals (1)
Trays (2)
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