Services companies in Rwanda

We found 3 services companies listed in Rwanda. For more information about services in Rwanda please scroll down to check out these business profiles.

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3 companies match your search.

Milestione Investments Ltd.
Services   Kigali
Our mission is to connect turkish manufacturers from various sectors with our clients in sub-saharan africa.
Fabrics, Garments, Kitchen, Medical Equipment, Mining
KBB associates (Rwanda)
Services   Kigali
Company profile/brief kbb associates (uganda & rwanda)   kbb has a registered office situated in uganda & rwanda, with objects to carry on..
Banking, Environmental Impact Assessments, Governance, Impact Assessments, Mobilization
Services   Kigali - City, Rwanda
Provision of  general cleaning services of buildings general supply of office furniture garden maintenance transport services pest control and..
Carpets, Chairs, Maintenance Services, Pest Control, Waste Management

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