Building design companies in Uganda

We found 7 businesses in Uganda which have building design listed among their services. Please read through the company profiles below to find more information about the best Ugandan building design companies. Do you buy or sell building design in Uganda? If so please consider listing your business.

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7 companies have Building Design listed in their profile.

Oncepti Limited
Services   Kampala
Architectural and engineering consultancy interior design architecture, interior-design, master-planning, project management, sustainable building design.
Architectural Design, Architecture, Building Design, Interior Design, Project Management
Skylim Architects and Engineering Company Limited
Construction   Kumi Municipal Council, Uganda
Building construction. Civil engineering works architectural/structural design. Preparation of bills of quantities and technical specifications.
Building Contractors, Building Design, Management Services, Water Sanitation, Water Supply
Construction   Kampala
Hofen engineering company is an infrastructure consultancy and construction company that was founded in 2019.
Building Design, Culverts Installation, Drainage, Road Works, Steel Fabrication
Construction   Kampala
Vansh is a reliable hardware  material supplier in uganda. Vansh supports ugandan infrastructure through supplying genuine hardware material like steel,..
Building Contractors, Building Design, Metal Fabrication, Paint, Roofing
Pureflex Systems Limited
Information Technology   Kampala
We operate as an extension of your it team, whether that means handling time-consuming, day-to-day tasks so you can focus on driving the business forward,..
Building Design, Compliance, Datacenters, Renewable Energy, Solar Panels
Rwizi Enterprises Limited
Construction   Kampala
1.       introduction 1. 1        about us background: rwizi enterprises ltd was incorporated in the..
Building Design, Geological Services, Metal Fabrication, Project Planning, Recycling
Deha Invesitees Ltd
Construction   Kira, Uganda
Road construction and bridges , building and design constructionn material supply and manufacturing consumer electronics, communication equipment, computers,..
Bicycles, Building Design, Firewood, Road Construction, Timber

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