Law firms companies in Uganda

We found 8 businesses in Uganda which have law firms listed among their services. Please read through the company profiles below to find more information about the best Ugandan law firms companies. Do you buy or sell law firms in Uganda? If so please consider listing your business.

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8 companies have Law Firms listed in their profile.

Services   Kampala
Aha advocates is a corporate law firm based in kampala. Our niche is in company formation and litigation.
Immigration, Law Firms, Litigation
Pamoja Chambers
Services   Kampala
We are licensed debt collectors/bailiffs; experienced to manage your debtors well to pay on time. We have capacity / facilities to offer a quality service..
Bailiffs, Banking, Debt, Debt Collectors, Legal Services
Maples & Associates Advocates
Services   Kampala
Maples & associates advocates is a dynamic law firm made up of creative and pragmatic lawyers. We help our clients find commercially viable solutions to..
Climate Change, Environmental Impact Assessments, Governance, Law Firms, Renewable Energy
Services   Kampala
Cymbell advocates provides a full range of legal services to an extensive client base which includes local and multinational companies and their ugandan..
Debt Collectors, Energy, Hospitality, Legal Services, Minerals
Kabayiza, Kavuma, Mugerwa & Ali Advocates
Services   Kampala
Legal advocates, lawyers, legal services, lawfirm, corporate and transaction law, litigation and arbitration, energy and infrastructure, regulatory and..
Commercial Law, Energy, Infrastructure, Law Firms, Legal Services
L-Bulya & Co. Advocates
Services   Kampala
Advisory Services, Compliance, Debt Collectors, Law Firms, Legal Services
CR. Amanya Advocates & Solicitors
Services   Kampala
Cr. Amanya advocates & solicitors, notaries public, and commissioner for oaths is a leading law firm in uganda.
Finance, Law Firms, Legal Services, NGOs, Notaries
Sebuuma & Associates
Services   Kampala
Welcome to sebuuma & associates our long term commitment is to help our clients derive greater value from their businesses through a client tailored..
Baseline Surveys, Compliance, Law Firms, Payroll, Resource Management

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Compliance   (10)
Finance   (40)
Litigation   (3)
Minerals   (10)

Services tags in Uganda

Accounting   (27)
Art Design   (13)
Auditors   (44)
Banking   (24)
BPO   (3)
Consulting   (200)
Contractors   (55)
Gardening   (14)
Inspection   (6)
Insurance   (23)
Investments   (114)
Landscaping   (83)
Marketing   (51)
Outsourcing   (15)
Pest Control   (22)
Procurement   (38)
Solar Energy   (10)
Surveying   (50)
Taxes   (29)
Valuation   (25)

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