Medical supplies companies in Uganda

We found 22 businesses in Uganda which have medical supplies listed among their services. Please read through the company profiles below to find more information about the best Ugandan medical supplies companies. Do you buy or sell medical supplies in Uganda? If so please consider listing your business.

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22 companies have Medical Supplies listed in their profile.

Health & Medicine   Ntinda, Uganda
We are your most trusted and respected state-of-the-art consulting firm recognized by our clients for delivering excellent expertise services.
Health Safety, Medical Sundries, Protective Equipment (PPE), Surgical, Team Building
Shafranto Uganda Limited
Health & Medicine   Gayaza, Uganda
Medicines, medical supplies, consumables, medical instruments, medical protective gear gloves, bandage, syringe, wheel , gumboots, chair, trolley, tray,..
Chairs, Cows & Beef, Gloves, Mosquito Nets, Nets
Costcare Medical Supplies Ltd
Health & Medicine   Kampala
Chemicals and chemical products drugs, laboratory, hospital equipment, pharmaceutical products and pharmaceutical preparations scientific research and..
Computer Supplies, Laboratory Equipment, Medical Sundries, Reagents, Veterinary
Careserve Medical Supplies Limited
Health & Medicine   Kampala
Dealers in hospital, medical and surgical equipment/devices and supplies and other alternative healthcare products.
Healthcare, Medical Equipment, Medical Supplies, Medicine, Surgical
Supplies   Kampala Uganda, Uganda
Laboratory & hospital equipment, chemicals, and rapid test kits  laboratory reagents,   equipment installation, repair, and servicing..
Disinfectants, Kits, Laboratory Reagents, Medical Supplies, Reagents
MSB Optical Center
Health & Medicine   Kampala
Msb optical center is one of the leading providers of professional, properly qualified eye care in uganda and east africa for more than 5 years now.
Clinical, Healthcare, Medical Services, Medical Supplies, Promotional Materials & Products
Kyakuwaire Business Enterprises Limited
Supplies   Iganga, Uganda
Agricultural tools office equipment, stationary and consumables agricultural supplies food supplies cage fish farming works  supply of construction and..
Agricultural Supplies, Fish, Fisheries & Fish Farming, Gravel, Produce Buying
Health & Medicine   Kampala
Laboratory Equipment, Laboratory Reagents, MRIs, Scanners, X-ray
Eagle Weighing Scales In Kampala
Services   Kampala
Eagle weighing scales company presents and delivers state of the art scales as well as traditional scales at the most affordable prices.
Samsung, Scales, Shipping, Toshiba, Weighing Scales
Manufacturing   Kampala
We are a cosmetic (creams & ointments) and topical solutions manufacturing company with the brand la ville, under this, we intend to manufacture and..
Detergents, Disinfectants, Medical Supplies, Soap & Shampoo, Surgical
First Aid International Limited
Health & Medicine   Kampala
First aid international  is the leading emergency medical service ( ems ) provider in uganda. We are a renown international company born out of passion..
Cotton, Kits, Laboratory Equipment, Protective Equipment (PPE), Reagents
Premier Scientific(u) Ltd
Health & Medicine   Kawempe, Uganda
Agricultural tools chemicals and chemical products drugs, laboratory, hospital equipment, pharmaceutical products and pharmaceutical preparations chemical..
Farming, Market Research, Medical Supplies, Reagents, Scientific Research
Agriculture & Natural Resources   Kampala
Agricultural Inputs, Cleaning Materials, Laboratory Equipment, Medical Supplies, Medicine
Ethandha Limited
Supplies   Kampala
Agricultural tools firefighting equipment and spares riding gears personal protective wear security equipment textiles and textile products tyres, tubes and..
Gumboots, Jackets, Masks, Overalls, Raincoats
Sinco medical Supplies Limited
Supplies   Kampala
Medical Equipment, Medical Services, Medical Supplies, Supplies
Accurate Weighing Scales Uganda Limited
Manufacturing   Kampala
Accurate weighing scales can supply and service mechanical and digital scales to fit any weighing application including custom digital scale applications of..
Fisheries & Fish Farming, Meters, Scales, Trolleys, Weighing Scales
Supplies   Namanve Industrial Area, Uganda
Office  / stationery medical equipment medical equipment / hospital pharmaceuticals medical equipment / medical supplies.
Hospitals, Medical Equipment, Medical Services, Medical Supplies, Pharmaceuticals
Mega Diagnostic & Medical Supplies Limited
Health & Medicine   Kampala
Chemicals and chemical products drugs, laboratory, hospital equipment, pharmaceutical products and pharmaceutical preparations educational and reading..
Glass Products, Hospital Equipment, Medical Services, Medical Supplies, Reagents
Stev - Steven Company Limited
Supplies   Kampala
Office equipment, stationary and consumables medical supplies stationery cleaning detergents.
Cleaning Services, Detergents, Medical Services, Medical Supplies, Office Equipment
Supplies   Kampala
We are suppliers of medical sundries, medical drugs, medical stationery to both government and private.
Licenses, Medical Services, Medical Sundries, Medical Supplies, Sundries
Middle East Enterprises Ltd
Media & Publishing   Kampala
General supplies advertising and media services procurement consultancy publishing of newspapers, journals and periodicals, books, magazines publishing..
Journals, Medical Supplies, Newspapers, Periodicals, Procurement
Labtech Medical Supplies
Health & Medicine   Kampala
Professionals in medical and laboratory supplies.
Laboratories, Medical Services, Medical Supplies, Supplies

Related Tags

Aid Kits   (3)
Catheters   (2)
Coats   (2)
Drugs   (39)
Gumboots   (4)
Hematology   (3)
Medicine   (21)
Sundries   (5)
Sweaters   (2)
Toyota   (2)
Vests   (2)
Wholesalers   (16)

Health & Medicine tags in Uganda

Ambulances   (2)
Bandages   (1)
Catheters   (2)
Clinical   (4)
Dentists   (3)
Drugs   (39)
Gauze   (1)
Healthcare   (18)
Hematology   (3)
HIV & AIDS   (5)
Hospitals   (65)
Medical Supplies   (16)
Medicine   (21)
MRIs   (4)
Radiology   (1)
Reagents   (10)
Sundries   (5)
Toxicology   (1)
Trays   (2)
Trolleys   (6)
Ultrasound   (5)
Vaccines   (1)
Veterinary   (6)
X-ray   (6)

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