Microfinance companies in Uganda

We found 5 businesses in Uganda which have microfinance listed among their services. Please read through the company profiles below to find more information about the best Ugandan microfinance companies. Do you buy or sell microfinance in Uganda? If so please consider listing your business.

5 companies have Microfinance listed in their profile.

Kerror Group
Services   Kampala
Kerror group holds subsidiaries of kerror consultant limited (kcl), kerror logistics (kl) and kerror schools (ks).
Business Intelligence, Design Consultation, Geophysical, Inspection, Microfinance
Development Associates Link International (DALI)
Services   Kampala
Development associates link international (dali) ltd was founded in 2004 and incorporated in uganda in 2012 as an incorporated development oriented business..
Asset Management, Coaching, Mobilization, Organisational Development, Resource Management
KTNK Solutions Limited(KT&K Associates.com)
Services   Kampala
Ktnk solutions limited(kt&k associates)is a ugandan based consulting firm providing consulting services to the public sector, private sector, ngo’s and..
Environmental Management, Financial Management, Microfinance, Resource Management, Sensitization
Juliet Gibu Gibbs
Services   Kampala
Exceptional expertise in :- capacity building  services and support training microfinance, microenterprise development ; renewable energy models; women..
Capacity Building, Computer Programming, Energy, Microfinance, Renewable Energy
The Micro Support Centre Limited
Services   Kampala
The microfinance support centre limited (msc) in uganda is a government-owned company established in 2001.
Banking, Capacity Building, Credit, Loans, Microfinance

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