Sensitization companies in Uganda

We found 8 businesses in Uganda which have sensitization listed among their services. Please read through the company profiles below to find more information about the best Ugandan sensitization companies. Do you buy or sell sensitization in Uganda? If so please consider listing your business.

8 companies have Sensitization listed in their profile.

Agriculture & Natural Resources   Kampala
Wemigisha enterprises aims to offer solutions to help agriculturalists to meet the required standards through supporting the value chain starting with..
Agricultural Produce, Cassava, Groundnuts (Peanuts), Oilseeds, Soya (Soybeans)
Kerror Group
Services   Kampala
Kerror group holds subsidiaries of kerror consultant limited (kcl), kerror logistics (kl) and kerror schools (ks).
Business Intelligence, Design Consultation, Geophysical, Inspection, Microfinance
Mjini Studio Ltd
Services   Kampala
Mjini studio ltd is a research-led architectural design and spatial planning consultancy founded in 2017 as a private entity by an architect and an urban..
Housing, Management Services, Renewable Energy, Sensitization, Urban Planning / Urban Development
Afrox Consulting Limited
Services   Kampala
Management & business consultancy services. For more information contact us on: bahatikazi@hotmail.
Annual Reports, Data Analysis, Mobilization, Risk Management, Sensitization
Africa Project Innovations and Research Centre
Services   Kampala
Africa project innovations and research centre (apirc) is legally registered as consulting firm with the registrar general of companies under section 18(13)..
Baseline Surveys, Disaster Recovery, Mobilization, Sensitization, Strategic Planning
Esther Obaikol
Research & Education   Kampala
Legal gender land tenure and property rights land governance public relations and communication scientific research and development training research on..
Governance, Natural Resources, Policy Development, Resource Management, Sensitization
KTNK Solutions Limited(KT&K
Services   Kampala
Ktnk solutions limited(kt&k associates)is a ugandan based consulting firm providing consulting services to the public sector, private sector, ngo’s and..
Environmental Management, Financial Management, Microfinance, Resource Management, Sensitization
Segamu I4 Consults Ltd
Supplies   Kampala
Engineering consultancy services (design, construction supervision, tender assistance, m&e). Environmental impact assessments, environmental audit,..
Assessments, Auditors, Environmental Impact Assessments, Environmental Management, Environmental Science

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