12 companies have Trucks listed in their profile.
Change management services LTD
Engines & Vehicles Kampala
Change management services ltd was incorporated in the uganda on 21st feb 2014 with the objective of undertaking the business of importers of general..
Earth Moving, Engines, Imports, Trucks, Vehicle Repair
Supplies Kampala
I am an active sales engineer of sany pearltrac uganda limited. We deal in earth moving equipments such as excavators, rollers, motor graders , wheel..
Cranes, Earth Moving, Excavators, Graders, Trucks
Rugarwana Industries Limited
Services Kampala
Hazardous waste management we make work places safe rugarwana industries limited company profile the company was incorporated in uganda on the..
Drivers, Hazardous Waste, Iron, Traffic Signs, Trucks
Tyre Express (u) Ltd
Engines & Vehicles Kampala
Tyres, tubes and batteries tyres, tires, passenger tyre, passenger tire, truck tyre, truck & bus radial, truck-bus bias.
Batteries, Buses, Trucks, Tubes, Wheels & Tires
Cargo Transporters Kampala
Shipping & Logistics Kampala
We offer efficient cargo transportation by road to their final destination in the right time at affordable prices.
Air Freight, Excavators, Graders, Shipping, Tractors
Services Kampala
Hazardous waste management we make work places safe rugarwana industries limited company profile the company was incorporated in uganda on the 26 th..
Drivers, Iron, Management Services, Traffic Signs, Trucks
Reincon Engineers (U) Ltd
Construction Kampala
We are a construction company based in uganda. We do architectural design services, civil works, electrical engineering, building, road construction,..
Borehole Rehabilitation, Electrical Appliances, Elevators, Lift Installation, Pipe Fittings
The Motorcenter East Africa Ltd
Engines & Vehicles Kampala
Motor vehicles, motorcycles, bicycles and spare parts motor vehicle, motorcycle repair and maintenance car, vehicle, pickup, saloon, sedan, bus, truck,..
Buses, Nissan, Toyota, Tractors, Trucks
Halai Holdings Ltd.
Engines & Vehicles Kampala
Agricultural tools building and construction materials generators and solar equipment motor vehicles, motorcycles, bicycles and spare parts petroleum..
Compressors, Earth Moving, Excavators, Graders, Pavers
Davis & Shirtliff International Limited
Construction Kampala
The davis & shirtliff group is the leading supplier of water related equipment in the east african region.
Fleet Management, Swimming Pools, Trucks, Water Supply, Water Treatment
Praus Equipment Ltd
Construction Kampala
Praus equipment ltd who we are: praus equipment ltd is a holistic one stop center for all your equipment needs.
Databases, Excavators, Graders, Pavers, Trucks
Al-sahm Group Of Companies Ltd
Construction Kampala
Electrical, plumbing and other construction installation activities civil engineering construction of buildings & carpentry construction of roads and..
Bridge Construction, Carpentry, Tractors, Trucks, Water Engineering