kukurakurana agroprocessors uganda limited


Rurama Rutete Kabarole District, Uganda

KUKURAKURANA TRANSPORTERS UGANDA LIMITED, Registered in Uganda in 2016, and it decided to engage in maize agroprocessors as its principal products, which it plans to process and market to sellers, consumers, traders, wholesalers, and exporters.

Maize flour from maize grains is a natural product produced by farmers. It is a means for human consumption and a livestock feeds , maize grit for making beers, snacks, germ can be separated to produce oil. KUKURAKURANA AGROPROCESSORS is now pursuing maize flour dealers or sellers to woo them on the product and maize flour dealers and traders has shown interest in the product. This project had sales 2020 of $ 1.3 million so the potential is great. The projected revenues from maize products over the next three years is estimated to be $ 3,720,000. Sales beyond this initial three-year period are expected to grow rapidly as the public becomes more aware of the product and more uses are discovered for it.

To contact kukurakurana agroprocessors uganda limited please click below.

Registration Date:
Feb 5, 2024
Rurama Rutete Kabarole District
Rurama Rutete Kabarole District
Last Updated:
12 months ago

Tagged: Exports Farming Feeds Flour Grains Livestock Maize Maize Flour Oil Wholesalers

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