18 companies have Maize Flour listed in their profile.
kukurakurana agroprocessors uganda limited
Supplies Uganda
Kukurakurana transporters uganda limited, registered in uganda in 2016, and it decided to engage in maize agroprocessors as its principal products, which it..
Flour, Grains, Livestock, Maize, Maize Flour
Agriculture & Natural Resources Kampala
Wemigisha enterprises aims to offer solutions to help agriculturalists to meet the required standards through supporting the value chain starting with..
Agricultural Produce, Cassava, Groundnuts (Peanuts), Oilseeds, Soya (Soybeans)
Agroking Uganda Limited
Agriculture & Natural Resources Mubende, Uganda
Agroking uganda limited was established on the 16 th day of september 2019, operating as a registered private limited liability company under the..
Flour, Grains, Maize, Maize Flour, Posho
Agriculture & Natural Resources Kampala
Hello dear comrade feel free to contact me once you have your agriculture produce for selling or if you want me to sell to you wherever you are such as..
Cassava, Peas (Cowpeas), Posho, Sesame, Soya (Soybeans)
Gen Rwot Enterprises Limited
Agriculture & Natural Resources Apac Municipal, Uganda
Registered with ursb in 11th july 2001 with a vision to provide quality goods and services. Since then, gen rwot enterprises limited has been pragmatic in..
Agricultural Inputs, Apartments, Building Contractors, Groundnuts (Peanuts), Produce Buying
The Innocent Enterprise
Services Mbarara, Uganda
The innocent enterprise(tie) is a business enterprise that is focussed to do produce business, retail and wholesale of different products in uganda and other..
Garages, Grains, Maize Flour, Planting Materials, Posho
Toro Feeds
Manufacturing Fortportal, Uganda
Fisheries & Fish Farming, Flour, Grains, Maize Flour, Posho
Parallel Skies Limited.
Supplies Kampala
Parallel skies limited fully incorporated in uganda, sources and procures commodity consignments from manufacturering plants/refineries to end processing..
ABS, Iron, Posho, Rails, Sesame
Crystal Aluminium Ltd
Construction Kampala
Crystal aluminium (u) limited, we are one of the leading suppliers and also provide fabrication services for office furniture, aluminium..
Adhesives, Auctions, Cladding, Computer Hardware, Helmets
Sawa foods ltd
Agriculture & Natural Resources Kampala
Sawa foods dealers in maize flour and beans located in najjera, uganda.
Agricultural Produce, Flour, Maize Flour, Milling, Rice
Eagle Weighing Scales In Kampala
Services Kampala
Eagle weighing scales company presents and delivers state of the art scales as well as traditional scales at the most affordable prices.
Samsung, Scales, Shipping, Toshiba, Weighing Scales
Agriculture & Natural Resources Uganda
We grow maize, coffee, banana, rear pigs, poultry and cows.
Coffee, Farming, Maize, Maize Flour, Natural Resources
Siko Logistics Limited
Agriculture & Natural Resources Kampala
Food, beverages and related products meat and meat products, poultry and poultry products office equipment, stationary and consumables supply of maize flour..
Millet, Natural Resources, Posho, Schools, Supply Chain Management
Zionat Multipurpose International Limited
Construction Kampala
Building and construction materials consumer electronics, communication equipment, computers, computer software and consumables and optical products food,..
Desktop Computers, Gravel, Lenovo, Switches, Toshiba
Uganda Agro Products
Agriculture & Natural Resources Kampala
Uganda agro products is one of central uganda's leading suppliers of agricultural products including: beans grains maize & maize flour sorghum vegetables..
Flour, Fruits, Maize Flour, Sorghum, Vegetables
Agriculture & Natural Resources Kampala
Grains, Milling, Peas (Cowpeas), Posho, Tractors
Kame Enterprises Limited
Media & Publishing Kampala
Kame enterprises limited deals in general supplies, big volumes of branding , priniting and technicial works in different organizations.
Art Design, Brochures, Office Supplies, Peas (Cowpeas), Posho
Eco & Partner Consult Limited
Services Kampala
Environment, health, safety and quality management system consultants. .
Environmental Management, Maize Flour, Policy Development, Protective Equipment (PPE), Quality Assurance