Lutinvest(u) Limited


Kampala, Uganda

Consumer electronics, communication equipment, computers, computer software and consumables and optical products
Educational and reading materials
Firefighting equipment and spares
Generators and solar equipment
Gifts and crafts
Office equipment, stationary and consumables
Office furniture and furnishings
Paper, paper products and packaging materials
Advertising and market research
Communication and graphical design
Publishing of newspapers, journals and periodicals, books, magazines publishing periodicals and othe
Secretarial, printing, binding and photocopying services
Commercial Printing,Importation of Stationery and accessories, Photocopiers, computer consumables.

To contact Lutinvest(u) Limited please click below.

Commercial Printing,importation Of Stationery And Accessories,
Registration Date:
Apr 19, 2011
Plot: 52
Last Updated:
4 years ago

Tagged: Advertising Binding Books Commercial Printing Communication Equipment Computer Software Computers Consumables Consumer Electronics Crafts Education Electronics Firefighting & Fire Services Firefighting Equipment Furniture Generators Graphic Design Insurance Journals Magazines Market Research Materials Newspapers Office Equipment Packaging Materials Paper Products Periodicals Photocopiers Photocopying Services Printing Services Publishing Reading Materials Secretarial Services Software Solar Equipment Solar Systems Spare Parts Stationery

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