Dairy companies in Uganda

We found 4 businesses in Uganda which have dairy listed among their services. Please read through the company profiles below to find more information about the best Ugandan dairy companies. Do you buy or sell dairy in Uganda? If so please consider listing your business.

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4 companies have Dairy listed in their profile.

Supplies   Kampala
We supply all the machines used in food, beverage and agro processing sectors along with all types of packaging machines.
Compressors, Cotton, Filtration, Milling, Water Treatment
One Stop Consulting Solutions Ltd
Supplies   Kampala
One stop consulting solutions limited was incorporated in 2021 as a trading company in uganda with aims to fulfil the requirements of industries from one..
Cosmetics, Cotton, Filtration, Paint, Weighing Scales
F & B Solutions Ltd
Agriculture & Natural Resources   Kampala
Agricultural tools chemicals and chemical products food, beverages and related products generators and solar equipment paper, paper products and packaging..
Chemical Products, Dairy, Disposal Activities, Market Research, Procurement
Crest Dairies
Agriculture & Natural Resources   Mbarara, Uganda
Animals, poultry and feeds gifts and crafts leather and related products office equipment, stationary and consumables office furniture and furnishings paper,..
Crafts, Dairy, Firewood, Interior Design, Leather

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Milk   (4)
Millet   (6)
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Tea   (2)
Tomatoes   (2)
Yoghurt   (2)

Agriculture & Natural Resources tags in Uganda

Agriculture   (153)
Animals   (55)
Beans   (23)
Beverages   (76)
Biotech   (1)
Bitumen   (3)
Cassava   (6)
Cereals   (5)
Dairy   (5)
Energy   (35)
Farming   (38)
Feeds   (52)
Fertilizer   (9)
Firewood   (34)
Fish   (4)
Food   (112)
Forestry   (10)
Grains   (11)
Honey   (8)
Juice   (2)
Livestock   (5)
Maize   (20)
Maize Flour   (11)
Meat   (15)
Milling   (4)
Oil   (28)
Petroleum   (31)
Posho   (5)
Rice   (20)
Seedlings   (14)
Seeds   (18)
Timber   (41)
Tomatoes   (2)
Wildlife   (15)

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