Dams companies in Uganda

We found 10 businesses in Uganda which have dams listed among their services. Please read through the company profiles below to find more information about the best Ugandan dams companies. Do you buy or sell dams in Uganda? If so please consider listing your business.

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10 companies have Dams listed in their profile.

iBM Geotechnical & Soil Lab Test Company
Construction   Kampala
Ibm geotech company uganda ltd (east africa) ibm geotech & soil laboratory testing company uganda ltd (east africa) is a private company offering..
Dams, Geological Services, Geophysical, Quarries, Soil Testing
Reincon Engineers (U) Ltd
Construction   Kampala
We are a construction company based in uganda. We do architectural design services, civil works, electrical engineering, building, road construction,..
Borehole Rehabilitation, Electrical Appliances, Elevators, Lift Installation, Pipe Fittings
AFRIKA Water Borehole Drilling Co
Construction   Kampala
Afrika water borehole drilling company uganda (kampala) ltd is the top & leading water / borehole drilling firms across the country of uganda-kampala..
Borehole Rehabilitation, Geological Services, Geophysical, Quarries, Submersible Pumps
MK Water Borehole Drilling Company
Construction   Kampala
Mk water borehole drilling company uganda (kampala) ltd is the top & leading water / borehole drilling firms across the country of uganda-kampala (east..
Borehole Rehabilitation, Geological Services, Geophysical, Quarries, Submersible Pumps
Marma Technical Services
Construction   Kampala
Electrical, plumbing and other construction installation activities civil engineering construction of water projects construction of power lines all..
Dams, Electrical Installations, Powerlines, Solar Systems, Water Engineering
Rukan Company Limited
Construction   Kampala
*architectural design and drawings  *construction of buildings & carpentry *construction of water projects and plumbing.
Bricks, Dams, Drainage, Hygiene Supplies, Sand
Hycon Ltd.
Services   Kampala
Civil engineering consultancy services  water supply and sanitation services designing engineering works:  hydraulic structures, irrigation &..
Dams, Drainage, Renewable Energy, Sewage, Water Supply
Nangwa Quarry Services Ltd
Agriculture & Natural Resources   Wakiso, Uganda
Construction, Dams, Quarries
Construction   Kampala
We deal in building of structures, construction of roads, water, bridges, dams .
Bridge Construction, Civil Engineering, Contractors, Dams, Investments
Eclipse/Edilsoil Jvc Ltd
Construction   Uganda
Construction of roads,  dams , water ways etc.
Construction, Construction Materials, Dams

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Livestock   (5)
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Maize Flour   (11)
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Petroleum   (31)
Posho   (5)
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Timber   (41)
Tomatoes   (2)
Wildlife   (15)

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