Forestry companies in Uganda

We found 11 businesses in Uganda which have forestry listed among their services. Please read through the company profiles below to find more information about the best Ugandan forestry companies. Do you buy or sell forestry in Uganda? If so please consider listing your business.

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11 companies have Forestry listed in their profile.

Trinity Forestry Services Ltd
Agriculture & Natural Resources   Luwero, Uganda
Trinity forestry services ltd is a social enterprise company with a mission of encouraging climate smart actions, projects and solutions so as to create..
Climate Change, Environmental Management, Forestry, Harvesting, Tree Seedlings
Willing workers on Organic Farms Uganda
Agriculture & Natural Resources   Jinja, Uganda
Wwoofaug is a team of gardening and forestry professionals headquartered in uganda. We offer a range of gardening and tree services.
Agriculture, Forestry, Gardening, Harvesting, Natural Resources
Earth Consult (u) Ltd
Agriculture & Natural Resources   Kampala
Agricultural tools animals, poultry and feeds consumer electronics, communication equipment, computers, computer software and consumables and optical..
Biomass, Climate Change, GIS, GPS, Renewable Energy
Services   Kampala
Reesq conformity services limited is the leading provider of conformity assessment, sustainability management and technical consulting services in the..
Fire Alarms & Detectors, Forestry, Inspection, Sports, Surveyors
Crane Procurement Agency Ltd
Agriculture & Natural Resources   Kampala
Procurement & supply chain management | agriculture | forestry & gardening | hardware & construction.
Cranes, Forestry, Gardening, Hardware, Supply Chain Management
Nile Forestry Agro Inputs & Engineering Services Ltd
Agriculture & Natural Resources   Lira, Uganda
Agricultural tools chemicals and chemical products tree seeds and seedlings bee keeping equipment.
Beekeeping & Hives, Chemical Products, Forestry, Seedlings, Seeds
International Centre for Research Fellows
Research & Education   Uganda
Summary information on international centre for research fellows the background international centre for research fellows (icref)” in uganda eastern..
Climate Change, Forestry, HIV & AIDS, Housing, Nets
Doshnut (u) Ltd
Services   Kampala
·           research and development (r&d) ·          institutional resource..
Baseline Surveys, Beekeeping & Hives, Coffee, Forestry, Mobilization
Restaurants & Travel   Kampala
Mukwano safaris offers a variety of adventurous ugandan safaris , rwanda safaris and all safaris across east africa  with interesting activities such as..
Bungee Jumping, Forestry, Gorillas, Rafting, Wildlife
Kabira Safaris & Tours
Restaurants & Travel   Uganda
Kabira gorilla safaris tours, gorilla trekking holidays in uganda, rwanda and congo – guide on everything you need to know gorilla trekking tours holidays..
Forestry, Gorillas, Restaurants, Safaris, Tickets & Ticketing
Murchison Falls National Park Safaris
Restaurants & Travel   Kampala
Murchison falls national park is uganda's largest wildlife national park and sits on the shore of lake albert, in northwest uganda.
Fish, Forestry, Safaris, Wildlife

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Agriculture & Natural Resources tags in Uganda

Agriculture   (153)
Animals   (55)
Beans   (23)
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Biotech   (1)
Bitumen   (3)
Cassava   (6)
Cereals   (5)
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Energy   (35)
Farming   (38)
Feeds   (52)
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Firewood   (34)
Fish   (4)
Food   (112)
Forestry   (10)
Grains   (11)
Honey   (8)
Juice   (2)
Livestock   (5)
Maize   (20)
Maize Flour   (11)
Meat   (15)
Milling   (4)
Oil   (28)
Petroleum   (31)
Posho   (5)
Rice   (20)
Seedlings   (14)
Seeds   (18)
Timber   (41)
Tomatoes   (2)
Wildlife   (15)

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