Meat companies in Uganda

We found 14 businesses in Uganda which have meat listed among their services. Please read through the company profiles below to find more information about the best Ugandan meat companies. Do you buy or sell meat in Uganda? If so please consider listing your business.

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14 companies have Meat listed in their profile.

Shafranto Uganda Limited
Health & Medicine   Gayaza, Uganda
Medicines, medical supplies, consumables, medical instruments, medical protective gear gloves, bandage, syringe, wheel , gumboots, chair, trolley, tray,..
Chairs, Cows & Beef, Gloves, Mosquito Nets, Nets
Eagle Weighing Scales In Kampala
Services   Kampala
Eagle weighing scales company presents and delivers state of the art scales as well as traditional scales at the most affordable prices.
Samsung, Scales, Shipping, Toshiba, Weighing Scales
Siko Logistics Limited
Agriculture & Natural Resources   Kampala
Food, beverages and related products meat and meat products, poultry and poultry products office equipment, stationary and consumables supply of maize flour..
Millet, Natural Resources, Posho, Schools, Supply Chain Management
Noonan Transporters
Agriculture & Natural Resources   Kampala
Animals, poultry and feeds building and construction materials food, beverages and related products meat and meat products, poultry and poultry products..
Animals, Beverages, Chickens & Poultry, Feeds, Meat
Beat Logistics Uganda Limited
Agriculture & Natural Resources   Kampala
Agricultural tools animals, poultry and feeds chemicals and chemical products consumer electronics, communication equipment, computers, computer software and..
Lubricants, Merchandise, Natural Gas, Petroleum, Petroleum Products
Ospa Distributors
Agriculture & Natural Resources   Kampala
Agricultural tools animals, poultry and feeds chemicals and chemical products meat and meat products, poultry and poultry products timber and firewood.
Chemical Products, Feeds, Firewood, Meat, Timber
Radius Foods
Agriculture & Natural Resources   Kampala
Radius foods is a business to business market place that sources fresh quality poultry eggs directly from farmers and delivers to urban retailers at low..
Beans, Eggs, Natural Resources, Produce Buying, Rice
Jomeli Investments Ltd
Agriculture & Natural Resources   Maganjo, Uganda
Agricultural tools animals, poultry and feeds food, beverages and related products meat and meat products, poultry and poultry products office equipment,..
Agricultural Tools, Animals, Chickens & Poultry, Feeds, Meat
Ruskov Uganda Limited
Services   Kampala
Educational and reading materials food, beverages and related products meat and meat products, poultry and poultry products office equipment, stationary and..
Car Rentals / Vehicle Hire, Haulage, Laboratory Equipment, Long Haulage, Meat
Universal Procurement Ltd
Agriculture & Natural Resources   Kampala
Educational and reading materials food, beverages and related products meat and meat products, poultry and poultry products office equipment, stationary and..
Firewood, Meat, Procurement, Textiles, Timber
Kemtec Limited
Construction   Kampala
Agricultural tools animals, poultry and feeds building and construction materials drugs, laboratory, hospital equipment, pharmaceutical products and..
Building Materials, Catering Services, Hospital Equipment, Meat, Plumbing Materials
Pray While Work Enterprises Ltd
Agriculture & Natural Resources   Otuke, Uganda
Agricultural tools animals, poultry and feeds building and construction materials educational and reading materials generators and solar equipment meat and..
Bicycles, Education, Feeds, Meat, Reading Materials
Merge Contractors & Logistics
Supplies   Kampala
Building and construction materials food, beverages and related products meat and meat products, poultry and poultry products supply of consumables and..
Building Materials, Chickens & Poultry, Contractors, Logistics, Meat
Zionat Multipurpose International Limited
Construction   Kampala
Building and construction materials consumer electronics, communication equipment, computers, computer software and consumables and optical products food,..
Desktop Computers, Gravel, Lenovo, Switches, Toshiba

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Food   (112)
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Marine   (12)
Posho   (5)
Timber   (41)
Tomatoes   (2)

Agriculture & Natural Resources tags in Uganda

Agriculture   (153)
Animals   (55)
Beans   (23)
Beverages   (76)
Biotech   (1)
Bitumen   (3)
Cassava   (6)
Cereals   (5)
Dairy   (5)
Energy   (35)
Farming   (38)
Feeds   (52)
Fertilizer   (9)
Firewood   (34)
Fish   (4)
Food   (112)
Forestry   (10)
Grains   (11)
Honey   (8)
Juice   (2)
Livestock   (5)
Maize   (20)
Maize Flour   (11)
Meat   (15)
Milling   (4)
Oil   (28)
Petroleum   (31)
Posho   (5)
Rice   (20)
Seedlings   (14)
Seeds   (18)
Timber   (41)
Tomatoes   (2)
Wildlife   (15)

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