Produce buying companies in Uganda

We found 7 businesses in Uganda which have produce buying listed among their services. Please read through the company profiles below to find more information about the best Ugandan produce buying companies. Do you buy or sell produce buying in Uganda? If so please consider listing your business.

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7 companies have Produce Buying listed in their profile.

Agriculture & Natural Resources   Kampala
Hello dear comrade feel free to contact me once you have your agriculture produce for selling or if you want me to sell to you wherever you are such as..
Cassava, Peas (Cowpeas), Posho, Sesame, Soya (Soybeans)
Gen Rwot Enterprises Limited
Agriculture & Natural Resources   Apac Municipal, Uganda
Registered with ursb in 11th july 2001 with a vision to provide quality goods and services. Since then, gen rwot enterprises limited has been pragmatic in..
Agricultural Inputs, Apartments, Building Contractors, Groundnuts (Peanuts), Produce Buying
Agriculture & Natural Resources   Kampala
Wemigisha enterprises aims to offer solutions to help agriculturalists to meet the required standards through supporting the value chain starting with..
Cassava, Fisheries & Fish Farming, Millet, Oilseeds, Soya (Soybeans)
Kyakuwaire Business Enterprises Limited
Supplies   Iganga, Uganda
Agricultural tools office equipment, stationary and consumables agricultural supplies food supplies cage fish farming works  supply of construction and..
Agricultural Supplies, Fish, Fisheries & Fish Farming, Gravel, Produce Buying
Radius Foods
Agriculture & Natural Resources   Kampala
Radius foods is a business to business market place that sources fresh quality poultry eggs directly from farmers and delivers to urban retailers at low..
Beans, Eggs, Natural Resources, Produce Buying, Rice
Agriculture & Natural Resources   Uganda
We grow maize, coffee, banana, rear pigs, poultry and cows.
Coffee, Farming, Maize, Maize Flour, Natural Resources
Supplies   Lira, Uganda
Edergog business enterprice is a modern retail business dealing in textile fabrics, produce, general merchandise and supplies.
Fabrics, General Supplies, Merchandise, Produce Buying, Textiles

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Eggs   (3)
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Maize   (20)
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Meat   (15)
Posho   (5)
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Wheat   (4)

Agriculture & Natural Resources tags in Uganda

Agriculture   (153)
Animals   (55)
Beans   (23)
Beverages   (76)
Biotech   (1)
Bitumen   (3)
Cassava   (6)
Cereals   (5)
Dairy   (5)
Energy   (35)
Farming   (38)
Feeds   (52)
Fertilizer   (9)
Firewood   (34)
Fish   (4)
Food   (112)
Forestry   (10)
Grains   (11)
Honey   (8)
Juice   (2)
Livestock   (5)
Maize   (20)
Maize Flour   (11)
Meat   (15)
Milling   (4)
Oil   (28)
Petroleum   (31)
Posho   (5)
Produce Buying   (5)
Rice   (20)
Seedlings   (14)
Seeds   (18)
Timber   (41)
Tomatoes   (2)
Wildlife   (15)

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