Seedlings companies in Uganda

We found 19 businesses in Uganda which have seedlings listed among their services. Please read through the company profiles below to find more information about the best Ugandan seedlings companies. Do you buy or sell seedlings in Uganda? If so please consider listing your business.

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19 companies have Seedlings listed in their profile.

Trinity Forestry Services Ltd
Agriculture & Natural Resources   Luwero, Uganda
Trinity forestry services ltd is a social enterprise company with a mission of encouraging climate smart actions, projects and solutions so as to create..
Climate Change, Environmental Management, Forestry, Harvesting, Tree Seedlings
Bwebajja Fruit Tree Nursery
Agriculture & Natural Resources   Kajjansi Town Council, Uganda
We propagate a wide variety of fruit, herb and spice seedlings and distribute throughout uganda. .
Fruits, Seedlings, Spices, Tree Seedlings, Wholesalers
Agroking Uganda Limited
Agriculture & Natural Resources   Kampala
Company profile. Welcome to agroking (u) ltd. Quality leads. Agroking (u) ltd is a pioneer agro based ugandan privately owned and officially registered..
Groundnuts (Peanuts), Millet, Sorghum, Sunflowers, Tea
Agriculture & Natural Resources   Kampala
Wemigisha enterprises aims to offer solutions to help agriculturalists to meet the required standards through supporting the value chain starting with..
Cassava, Fisheries & Fish Farming, Millet, Oilseeds, Soya (Soybeans)
Alwadi Investment Logistics Limited
Agriculture & Natural Resources   Kampala
Agricultural Tools, Food, Investments, Logistics, Seedlings
Supplies   Soroti, Uganda
We deal in supplies of agricultural seeds and seedlings, planting materials i. E. Cassava cuttings potato vines etc.
Cassava, Planting Materials, Seedlings, Seeds, Tree Seedlings
Kyakuwaire Business Enterprises Limited
Supplies   Iganga, Uganda
Agricultural tools office equipment, stationary and consumables agricultural supplies food supplies cage fish farming works  supply of construction and..
Agricultural Supplies, Fish, Fisheries & Fish Farming, Gravel, Produce Buying
Agriculture & Natural Resources   Wakiso, Uganda
Hello our valued customers; julita company brings you quality agro imputs shop + all round farm supplies at wholesale prices.
Chemical Products, Fertilizer, Seedlings, Seeds, Wholesalers
Agriculture & Natural Resources   Kampala
Famunera is a web and mobile agribusiness e-commerce marketplace that links farmers to agricultural inputs, support service providers and buyers of farm..
Animal Feeds, e-Commerce, Fertilizer, Soil Testing, Tractors
Services   Kampala
Afriplants is an online shopping store for live plants, pots, seeds, manure, fertlisers, mowing machines, paving tools, pestcides, fungicides, termitecides,..
Fertilizer, Fruits, Oranges, Planting Materials, Tree Seedlings
Doshnut (u) Ltd
Services   Kampala
·           research and development (r&d) ·          institutional resource..
Baseline Surveys, Beekeeping & Hives, Coffee, Forestry, Mobilization
Nile Forestry Agro Inputs & Engineering Services Ltd
Agriculture & Natural Resources   Lira, Uganda
Agricultural tools chemicals and chemical products tree seeds and seedlings bee keeping equipment.
Beekeeping & Hives, Chemical Products, Forestry, Seedlings, Seeds
Jof Agro-input, Gis & Farm Planning Consults Ltd
Agriculture & Natural Resources   Wakiso, Uganda
Agricultural tools animals, poultry and feeds chemicals and chemical products seeds and fruit tree seedlings, soil surveys, land evaluation, land suitability..
Agricultural Inputs, Fruits, GIS, Seeds, Tree Seedlings
Nyabubaale Foundation For Rural Development Ltd
Agriculture & Natural Resources   Kiko - Fort-Portal, Uganda
Suppliers of bee hives and bee keeping equipments, manufacturers of longstroth, ktb hives, honey processors, packers, marketeers of bee products, grafted..
Beekeeping & Hives, Fruits, Honey, Manufacturing, Seedlings
Furaha Agri Services Ltd
Agriculture & Natural Resources   Soroti, Uganda
Furaha agri services ltd, is a business company registered in uganda to conduct business in general merchandise, agricultural inputs, products and..
Advisory Services, Agricultural Inputs, Agricultural Tools, Merchandise, Seedlings
Prime Consolidated Limited
Agriculture & Natural Resources   Kampala
Agricultural tools animals, poultry and feeds chemicals and chemical products seeds, seedlings, chemicals and implements.
Animals, Chemical Products, Feeds, Seedlings, Seeds
Star Sanitation Limited
Construction   Gulu, Uganda
Building and construction materials improved seeds and tree seedlings civil engineering construction of buildings & carpentry.
Construction Materials, Sanitation, Seedlings, Seeds, Tree Seedlings
Foodcom Uganda Limited
Agriculture & Natural Resources   Kassanda, Uganda
Coffee, Mangoes, Seedlings
Abenakyo Farm
Agriculture & Natural Resources   Kayunga, Uganda
Supply of tree seedlings.
Seedlings, Tree Seedlings

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Agriculture & Natural Resources tags in Uganda

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Maize Flour   (11)
Meat   (15)
Milling   (4)
Oil   (28)
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Posho   (5)
Rice   (20)
Seedlings   (14)
Seeds   (18)
Timber   (41)
Tomatoes   (2)
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