Sms companies in Uganda

We found 9 businesses in Uganda which have sms listed among their services. Please read through the company profiles below to find more information about the best Ugandan sms companies. Do you buy or sell sms in Uganda? If so please consider listing your business.

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9 companies have SMS listed in their profile.

Blue Global IT Solutions Limited
Information Technology   Kampala
Our  bulk sms service offers a wide range of benefits, including ?instant delivery of messages to your customers' mobile phones.
Bulk SMS, ICT Equipment, Mobile Phones, Phones, SMS
Magezi Solutions Ltd
Information Technology   Kampala
Business and management consultancy communication and graphical design computer forensics computer programming and software development data processing and..
Bulk SMS, Computer Forensics, Domain Registration, SMS, Website Development
Service Cops Limited
Information Technology   Kampala
Service cops limited is an iso 9001:2015 certified ict/bpo firm with a vast experience in developing ict solutions and delivering bpo projects within finance..
Mobile Apps, Mobile Money, Outsourcing, SMS, Social Media
BitLife Technologies Inc.
Information Technology   Kampala
Services: 1. Digital marketing and advertising,   2. Repair and maintenance,   3. Web and mobile application development,   4.
Animation, App Development, Bulk SMS, Digital Marketing, Loans
Delta Ventures LTD
Information Technology   Kampala
Delta ventures ltd (delta) is an ict solutions and business consulting company, with a passion for technology and social enterprise.
Automation, CCTVs & CCTV Installation, IT Consultancy, SMS, Tailoring
Moap Uganda Limited
Information Technology   Kampala
Managed it support (outsourced services) strategic advice on what technology stack companies should use based on business needs.
Antivirus, Biometrics, Bulk SMS, Certificates, Social Media
Information Technology   Kampala
Afristuart intel limited is a registered company which deals in computer services such as computer repair and maintenance, computer networking, bulky sms,..
Bulk SMS, Computer Repair, Computer Servicing, SMS, Toner & Cartridges
Omnitech Ltd
Information Technology   Kampala
Computer programming and software development business and management consultancy communication and graphical design computer forensics data processing and..
Bulk SMS, Computer Forensics, Monitoring & Evaluation, SMS, Website Development
Fit (uganda) Limited
Services   Kampala
Business and management consultancy farming consultancy training market information sms.
Business Management, Consulting, Farming, Management Consultancy, SMS

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Animation   (5)
BPO   (3)
Bulk SMS   (7)
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Information Technology tags in Uganda

Antivirus   (3)
Biometrics   (7)
Bulk SMS   (7)
Databases   (15)
ERP   (10)
Excel   (4)
Firewalls   (3)
GIS   (12)
GPS   (11)
IBM   (7)
ICT   (49)
Linux   (1)
Microsoft   (6)
Mobile Apps   (23)
Networking   (36)
SEO   (12)
SMS   (10)
Social Media   (17)
Software   (200)
Telephony   (6)
UI / UX   (2)
VOIP   (8)
Webhosting   (66)
Windows   (17)

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