28 companies have Disposal Activities listed in their profile.
Rugarwana Industries Limited
Services Kampala
Hazardous waste management we make work places safe rugarwana industries limited company profile the company was incorporated in uganda on the..
Drivers, Hazardous Waste, Iron, Traffic Signs, Trucks
Services Kampala
Registered & licenced waste management company by nema, ursb, kcca, ura, nda for business operations country wide we are public health professionals in..
Cleaning Materials, Hygiene Supplies, Lawn Mowing, Sewage, Water Treatment
Techford Contractors & Suppliers
Construction Wakiso, Uganda
General supplies pipes, pipe fittings, tanks, water tanks, construction materials, water supply, water pumps, irrigation systems, civil works, architectural..
Pipes, Product Design, Tanks, Water Supply, Water Tanks
Services Kampala
Hazardous waste management we make work places safe rugarwana industries limited company profile the company was incorporated in uganda on the 26 th..
Drivers, Iron, Management Services, Traffic Signs, Trucks
Armstrong Consulting Engineers Limited
Services Kampala
A rmstrong consulting engineers is an infrastructural consultancy firm located in kampala uganda, with highly reputable and experienced professionals to..
Architecture, Disposal Activities, Environmental Science, NGOs, Structural Engineering
Neriah Sewerage Disposal&fire Wood Supplier Ltd
Services Kampala
Water collection, treatment and disposal activities. Toilet emptying services, fumigation services, cleaning services, construction of toilets and..
Briquettes, Disposal Activities, Renovation, Sewage, Toilets
Ark Associates Limited
Services Kampala
Architectural and engineering consultancy consulting engineering services within civil, mechanical, electrical and water engineering mep consultancy services..
Architectural Design, Disposal Activities, Real Estate, Surveying, Water Works
Entebbe Emptiers Ltd
Services Entebbe, Uganda
In the vibrant city of entebbe, where community thrives amidst bustling streets and rich cultural heritage, there exists a pioneering company dedicated to..
Environmental Impact Assessments, Fleet Management, Sanitation, Tanks, Water Sanitation
Septic Emptiers Limited
Services Kampala
Please call (256) 777-911-294 / (256) 709-113-221 for your septic emptying services. .
Hazardous Waste, Public Health, Sewage, Toilets, Water Sanitation
Cobolt Builders and Engineers Ltd
Construction Kampala
Good day, we are “cobolt builders and engineers ltd”, a registered construction company in uganda as an extension to our construction business in egypt..
Asphalt, Bitumen, Disposal Activities, Hydropower, Renewable Energy
Green Label Services Ltd
Health & Medicine Kampala
Water collection, treatment and disposal activities disposal of expired foodstuffs, medical waste, drugs and chemicals.
Chemical Products, Disposal Activities, Drugs, Medical Services, Waste Management
iBM KAsthew deep Foundation Piling Company Uganda
Construction Kampala
Piling whether it is foundation for a shopping mall complex, a high rise building or a bridge we have in-house expertise, equipment and technologies needed..
Commercial Buildings, Housing, IBM, Rentals, Sewage
ECG Engineering Consultants Group
Services Kampala
Architectural and engineering consultancy business and management consultancy communication and graphical design consulting engineering services within..
Disposal Activities, Industrial Design, Interior Design, Product Design, Urban Planning / Urban Development
UB Consulting Engineers Ltd
Services Kampala
Ub consulting engineers limited was established and is operated by indigenous ugandans providing consultancy services to both private and public sectors in..
Accounting, Disposal Activities, Drainage, Hydropower, Traffic Signs
On-track Technical Services Limited
Construction Kampala
Building and construction materials generators and solar equipment plumbing materials protective wear electricity maintenance and repair of electrical..
Air Conditioning, Disposal Activities, Equipment Maintenance, Plumbing Materials, Protective Wear
Green-clean Profiles(gcp) Limited
Services Kampala
Car wash catering services cleaning and compound maintenance clearing and forwarding garbage collection industrial and institutional laundry services..
Car Washing, Disposal Activities, Fumigation Services, Laundry Services, Urban Planning / Urban Development
Geomax Water And Mineral Consultants Limited
Construction Seeta, Uganda
Generators and solar equipment marine and fresh water products petroleum products, natural gas and lubricants plumbing materials timber and firewood..
Disposal Activities, Industrial Design, Marine, Minerals, Product Design
Polytechnical Solutions Limited
Supplies Kampala
Agricultural tools building and construction materials consumer electronics, communication equipment, computers, computer software and consumables and..
Agricultural Inputs, Disposal Activities, Electrical Installations, Gears, Switchgear
Opinion Consultants Ltd
Services Kampala
Accounting, auditing and tax advisory business and management consultancy computer forensics computer programming and software development data processing..
Computer Forensics, Disposal Activities, Information Technology, Tax Advisory Services, Valuation
Rwams U Ltd
Media & Publishing Kampala
Food, beverages and related products office equipment, stationary and consumables office furniture and furnishings paper, paper products and packaging..
Binding, Disposal Activities, Fumigation Services, Garbage Collection, Photocopying Services
F & B Solutions Ltd
Agriculture & Natural Resources Kampala
Agricultural tools chemicals and chemical products food, beverages and related products generators and solar equipment paper, paper products and packaging..
Chemical Products, Dairy, Disposal Activities, Market Research, Procurement
Jorabie Company Limited
Agriculture & Natural Resources Tororo, Uganda
Agricultural tools animals, poultry and feeds building and construction materials food, beverages and related products office equipment, stationary and..
Animals, Disposal Activities, Feeds, Garbage Collection, Interior Design
Freedom Kings Co. Limited
Health & Medicine Mbarara, Uganda
Building and construction materials chemicals and chemical products drugs, laboratory, hospital equipment, pharmaceutical products and pharmaceutical..
Bicycles, Catering Services, Disposal Activities, Fumigation Services, Garbage Collection
Earthcare investments Ltd
Agriculture & Natural Resources Kampala
The company was established in 2018, deals in export of fruits and vegetables, provides services in disposal of waste material and general supply of medical,..
Disposal Activities, Exports, Fruits, Vegetables, Waste Management
Martin And Mg Cleaning Services Limited
Services Kampala
Cleaning and compound maintenance the key searchable keywords may include cleaning, garbage collection and disposal, compound maintenance, gadening, post..
Disposal Activities, Fumigation Services, Garbage Collection, Gardening, Pest Control
Sparklean Limited
Services Kampala
Cleaning & landscaping garbage collection & disposal interior design security services fumigation.
Cleaning Materials, Disposal Activities, Fumigation Services, Office Cleaning, Pest Control
Rwizi Enterprises Limited
Construction Kampala
1. introduction 1. 1 about us background: rwizi enterprises ltd was incorporated in the..
Building Design, Geological Services, Metal Fabrication, Project Planning, Recycling