Licenses companies in Uganda

We found 4 businesses in Uganda which have licenses listed among their services. Please read through the company profiles below to find more information about the best Ugandan licenses companies. Do you buy or sell licenses in Uganda? If so please consider listing your business.

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4 companies have Licenses listed in their profile.

Information Technology   Kampala Uganda, Uganda
Enra-tech it consultancy, based in the vibrant city of kampala, uganda, is your premier information technology company dedicated to providing cutting-edge..
Antivirus, Asset Management, Disaster Recovery, Firewalls, Strategic Planning
Rugarwana Industries Limited
Services   Kampala
Hazardous waste management we make work places safe   rugarwana industries limited company profile   the company was incorporated in uganda on the..
Drivers, Hazardous Waste, Iron, Traffic Signs, Trucks
Services   Kampala
Hazardous waste management we make work places safe rugarwana industries limited company profile   the company was incorporated in uganda on the 26 th..
Drivers, Iron, Management Services, Traffic Signs, Trucks
Supplies   Kampala
We are suppliers of medical sundries, medical drugs, medical stationery to both government and private.
Licenses, Medical Services, Medical Sundries, Medical Supplies, Sundries

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Boards   (7)
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Services tags in Uganda

Accounting   (27)
Art Design   (13)
Auditors   (44)
Banking   (24)
BPO   (3)
Consulting   (200)
Contractors   (55)
Gardening   (14)
Inspection   (6)
Insurance   (23)
Investments   (114)
Landscaping   (83)
Marketing   (51)
Outsourcing   (15)
Pest Control   (22)
Procurement   (38)
Solar Energy   (10)
Surveying   (50)
Taxes   (29)
Valuation   (25)

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